AHA 2015 Sessions on Research

Crises of the 1970s

"Crises of the 1970s" examined the meaning of the 1970s in terms of the broader narratives of twentieth-century history, including the question of why the period has often been framed as "a decade of crisis."

Available on C-SPAN: Social Changes of the 1970s

Understanding Ferguson: Race, Power, Protest, and the Past

In "Understanding Ferguson," panelists discussed the historical roots of the racial divide which led to the recent controversy in Ferguson, MO. The AHA organized this session in an effort to better understand the Ferguson debate, as well as examine the important role historians play in bringing context to current events.

Available on C-SPAN: Understanding the Ferguson Protests

Magna Carta in the Age of Enlightenment, Revolution, and Empire: Rethinking Constitutional History on the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta

2015 marks the 800th anniversary of the first issuing of Magna Carta, often called the "great charter of liberties." This panel commemorated the anniversary of Magna Carta by reexamining the uses of Magna Carta in British and American debates about constitutions in the late eighteenth century.

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America and the Left: Past and Present

In "America and the Left: Past and Present," historians examined how the American left has responded to various forces in the current political economy. Topics of discussion included the globalization of markets, the feminization of the workforce, and the technological divide.

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