Michael Kraus Research Grant Recipients

Michael Kraus Research Grants recognize the most deserving proposal relating to work in progress on a research project in American colonial history, with particular reference to the intercultural aspects of American and European relations.


Francisco Céntola, The Material Basis of Transportation in Alta California, 1769–1848
Ross M. Nedervelt, The Border-Seas of a New British Empire: Security, Imperial Reconstitution, and the British Atlantic Islands in the Age of the American Revolution
Teanu Reid, Harvesting and Weaving Money: Local Currencies in Barbados and the Greater British Atlantic World, 1620–1770
Clifton E. Sorrell, Negotiating Freedom, Subjecthood(s) and Belonging in the Interimperial Caribbean Frontier: Spanish Blacks in Early English Jamaica, 1658–90
Jacob Swisher, Precious Things: A Planetary History of an Early American Borderland


Julia Carroll, The Protestant Sanctioning of Race-Based Slavery in Language and Landscape in the Anglo-American South, 1739-91
Sarah Beth Gable, Policing the Revolution: Massachusetts Communities and the Committees of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety, 1773-83
Kelly Douma Kaelin, Convert, Migrant, Missionary: Women and the Moravian Church in the Early Modern Atlantic World
Andrea Miles, Black Rebels: African American Revolutionaries from North Carolina during and after the War of Independence
Jonathan Quint, Building the Border: Sovereignty, Labor, and Landscape in the Great Lakes Borderlands, 1760-1820


Danielle Alesi, Consuming Empire: Eating and Engaging with Animals in the Early Modern Atlantic World, 1492-1650
Camden Elliott, War in Wôbanak: Environmental Histories of Conflict in the Dawnland, 1676-1766
Joanne Jahnke Wegner, Stolen Lives: Gender and Captivity in the Northeastern Borderlands, 1630-1763
Cody Nager, From Different Quarters: Regulating Migration and Naturalization in the Early American Republic, 1783-1815

Aimee Hisey, Nations, Networks, and Knowledge: Circulating Epistemologies of Jewish Medical Practitioners in the Spanish Viceroyalties
Yiyun Huang, The Chinese Origins of Medicinal Tea: Global Cultural Transfer and a Vast Early America
Randal Grant Kleiser, (Ex)Changing Empires: Free Ports, Reform, and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1750-84
Samuel Aldred Slattery, Colonial History from the Ramparts of a Harbor Fort: Early American Seaports and the Policed Atlantic

Michaela Kleber, Gendered Societies, Sexual Empires: Early French Colonization among the Illinois
Matthijs T. Tieleman, A Revolutionary Wave: Dutch and American Patriots in the 18th-Century Atlantic World
Russell L. Weber, American Feeling: Political Passions and Emotional Identity in the Early Republic, 1754-96

Juneisy Hawkins, Illicit Anglo-Spanish Food Trade in the Colonial American Southeast, 1703-63
Nicole Mahoney, Liberty, Gentility, and Dangerous Liaisons: French Culture and Polite Society in Early National America, 1770-1825
Maria Ryan, Hearing Power, Sounding Freedom: Black Practices of Music-making and Ear-training in the British Colonial Caribbean, 1807-53

Whitney Barlow Robles, Curious Species: How Animals Made Natural History, 1700-1820
Nathaniel Holly, From Chota to Charles Town: The Urban Lives of Cherokees
Muiris MacGiollabhui, Sons of Exile: An Atlantic History of the United Irishmen, 1795-1830

Marissa Rhodes, Body Work: Wet-Nurses and Politics of the Breast in Eighteenth-Century London and Philadelphia
Casey Schmitt, Frontiers of Neighbors: Negotiating a Legal and Cultural Vernacular in the 17th-Century Caribbean
Sonia Tycko, Spirited Beyond the Sea: Persuasion and Consent in the Early English Empire

Hannah Bailey, "I Saw Africa, But I Have Never Set Foot There": A "New Account" of Africans in the Early Modern French Atlantic
Heather Freund, Loyal Subjects or Internal Enemies?: Rethinking Legal Subjectivities in the British Caribbean, 1763-1815

Christine DeLucia, The Memory Frontier: Memorializing King Philip's War in the Native Northeast
Gregory Wigmore, The Limits of Empire: Allegiance, Opportunity, and Imperial Rivalry in the Canadian-American Borderland

Katherine Grandjean, Post Haste: Letters, Posting, and Empire in Early English America
Matthew Kruer, The Susquehannock War: Native Americans, Bacon's Rebellion, and the Forging of the Covenant Chain

Hyun Wu Lee, Soldiers in the Southeast: British Troops, Indians, Colonists, and Slaves, 1756-63
Gloria Whiting, 'Endearing Ties': Black Family Life in Early New England

Rebecca Hall, 'Entertaining Negroes': 18th-Century Criminal Prosecutions and the Creation of Whiteness
Gina Martino-Trutor, Her Extraordinary Sufferings and Services: Women and War in New England and New France, 1630-1763
Justin Rowe, 17th-Century Presbyterianism and Scotch-Irish Migration

Jonathan DeCoster, Intimate Enemies: Native Rivalry and Imperial Competition in the Colonial Southeast, 1564-1614
Neal Dugre, Creating New England: Intercolonial Political Culture and the Birth of a Region in the 17th-Century English Atlantic
Randi Lewis, Government for Sail: Networks of Political Economy in Salem, Massachusetts, 1763-1819

Celine Carayon, 'Not able to be expressed with tongue': Communication, Performance, and Acculturation in French America
Bronwen McShea, Cultivating a New World: The Jesuits' Social Vision for France and North America, 1610-85

Ian Aebel, Constructing History, Producing America: Anglo-American Historical Thought, Historiography, and the Birth of American History in the Early Modern English Atlantic, c. 1485 to c. 1714
Andrea Mosterman, Sharing Spaces in a New World Environment: African-Dutch Contributions to North American Culture, 1626-1826

Christian Koot, In Pursuit of Profit: Persistent Dutch Influences on the Inter-Imperial Trade of New York and the English Leeward Islands, 1621-89
Sowande' Mustakeem, Ripples of Infinity: Gender, Health, and Violence in the Middle Passage, 1721-1808

Natale Zappia, The Autonomous Interior: Trading, Raiding, and Freedom in Native California, 1700-1857
Anya Zilberstein, Planting Improvement: Small Farms and Scientific Agriculture in the British North Atlantic, 1740-1820

Gillian Hendershot, Witches, Wizards and Marginalized Men: Gender, Accusation and Conviction in Witchcraft Trials in Seventeenth Century England and Colonial New England, a Transnational Study
Sara Sundberg, Women and the Civil Law in Early Louisiana
Kirsten Sword, Wayward Wives, Runaway Slaves, and the Rights of Dependents in Early America

Jacob Blosser, Pursuing Happiness: Latitudinarianism and the Anglo-American Mind
Richard Bond, Ebb and Flow: Free Blacks and Urban Slavery in Eighteenth-Century New York
William Ramsey, III, The Yamasee War

John Donoghue, Radical Republican Political Culture in the Puritan Atlantic,1630-1661
April Hatfield, Anglo-Spanish Relations in the Caribbean and Southeastern North America, 1580-1720
Dinah Mayo-Bobee, Servile Discontents: Runaway Slaves of Colonial New Hampshire, 1745-1785

Gabriele Gottlieb, A Solemn Warning and Caution to Every One: Capital Punishment in Early America
Christopher Hodson, From Exile to Ethnic: The Acadian Diaspora and the Imagining of Identity in the Early Modern Atlantic World

James Delbourgo, Political Electricity: Experimentalism, Enthusiasm, and Enlightenment in 18th-Century British America
Matthew Pursell, Intellectual Construction of Servitude

Ariana Hannum, The Agricultural Economy of West Florida
Birte Pfleger, The Creation of a Gendered Middle Ground in Penn's Woods

Sarah Pearsall, 'After All These Revolutions': Family Correspondence from the British-Atlantic World, 1760-1812

Wayne Lee, From Riot to War: Public Violence in 18th-Century North Carolina

Andrew Frank
Steven Oatis
Joshua Piker

Mary Galvin
Wyllys Terry

Turk McCleskey, Black Ned: A Life on the Colonial Frontiers
Kees-Jan Waterman, Dutchmen and Indians: An Ethnohistory of Intercultural Contacts in New Netherland, 1609-64