Applications Open for NEH-Funded Institutes

Africa in World History
This program will invite a cohort of teachers to collaborate with leading historians on efforts to enhance coverage of Africa and Africans in K–12 world history courses. Participants will enhance their content knowledge in African history across regions, periods, and linguistic contexts, allowing our community to expand beyond the often limited engagement with African perspectives in many textbooks and state standards. This three-week, fully virtual institute will culminate in the production of a free, digital sourcebook with accompanying lessons tailored to the needs of students in busy classrooms.

Changes Across the Land: 19th & 20th Century Environmental History & Policy
The AHA will host a three-week long National Endowment for the Humanities Institute for Higher Education Faculty on US environmental history and policy from the early 19th century through the 20th century. Situated at the intersection of environmental, Indigenous, and political history, this institute will explore how humans have contributed and adjusted to environmental changes. This long historical context is crucial for understanding what differentiates current emissions-driven climate change from what came before.
Symposia on Large Scale Research
Symposia on Large Scale Research
In 2025, the AHA will co-host a series of three symposia on the possibilities and challenges of large-scale historical research. These symposia will explore the possibilities and challenges of large-scale historical research. The first symposium, "The Future of Research in the Age of AI," will take place on March 27–28, 2025, at the Museum of the Rockies at Montana State University in Bozeman, MT.
AHA Institutes
Online Teacher Institutes
The AHA hosts online professional development programs for educators, including middle and high school teachers and two- and four-year college faculty.

2024 AHA Online Teacher Institute: Native Peoples and the Architecture of US History
This free, online professional development program focused on how teachers at any level can center the perspectives and experiences of Native peoples throughout the entirety of US history.

2023 AHA Online Teacher Institute in World History
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of its involvement in the creation of the C3 Framework, the AHA convened a weeklong professional development institute via Zoom for K–12 teachers of world history (including dual-enrollment courses).
Career Diversity Faculty Institutes
The AHA’s Career Diversity for Historians Faculty Institutes brought together working groups of faculty leaders to consider the purpose and future of doctoral education.
AHA Workshops

Annual Department Chairs' Workshop
Are you facing the professional challenge of serving as department chair? The AHA offers an annual in-person Chairs' Workshop.

Online Programs for Department Chairs
Since 2020, AHA has hosted a regular series of online webinars to support the work of history department chairs. The webinars are small group discussions facilitated by experienced department chairs on topics related to the faculty-facing, student-facing, and administrative-facing work of chairs.
Past AHA Workshops & Institutes
The AHA has held workshops focused on online teaching, career development, advocating for historians, and more.
Join the Conversation
For questions and feedback, please contact Brendan Gillis, director of teaching and learning, at For a broader discussion of these and other teaching and learning issues in history, please join the Teaching and Learning community on
AHA Events Calendar
AHA Events Calendar
The AHA Events Calendar shares upcoming events, including conferences, webinars, and virtual events. Anyone may submit events of interest to historians to the calendar.

January 8 - 11, 2026
AHA Annual Meeting

October 4, 2025
2025 Conrad M. Hall Symposium for Virginia History

March 27 - 28, 2025