
Who We Are

AHA 2016 - Atlanta Georgia - January 8, 2016 - President's Reception #007

Much of the work of the Association is done through its governing Council, divisions, and committees. The work of the Association is governed by the AHA Constitution (which lays out the basic structure for the organization) and Bylaws (which describe how the organization functions).

Council Meeting - Hilton
AHA Council

The primary governing body of the Association is the Council, whose members are elected annually by the AHA membership. The Council cares for the general interests of the Association by conducting business, setting policy, and overseeing the financial and legal matters of the organization.

AHA 2020 Council Meeting
AHA Divisions

The three divisions (Professional, Research, and Teaching) are designed to provide the Council with information, advice, and proposals in connection with subjects or areas of concern assigned to them by the Council.

Committee on Minority Historians' Recepton - Hilton
AHA Committees

AHA Committees address administrative or policy concerns, investigate and advise the organization on recent issues in the discipline, identify and recognize the best of historical scholarship and work, and support initiatives that promote history and historical thinking.

AHA History & Reports

AHA History

When the American Historical Association was founded in 1884, history had only recently emerged as a distinct academic discipline.

AHA Archives

From its inception, the Association has been committed to the collection, preservation, and dissemination of historical documents. In keeping with that tradition, the AHA staff digitizes and posts essays, reports, and other materials from the Association’s past.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the AHA, membership, the annual meeting, awards and grants, publications, advertising, and professional issues.

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Hallways and Registration - Hilton - Elizabeth Jones

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