
About the History in Focus Podcast

History in Focus is a podcast by the American Historical Review. Go behind the scenes with the world's leading history journal as we explore the who, what, how, and why of doing history in the 21st century.

Each month, the latest AHR issue will be the jumping off point for a deeper dive into historical content and practice, highlighting the work of historians and other scholars who work in and outside of the academy. You'll still hear interviews but also more immersive storytelling and off-the-cuff banter as we seek to peel back the curtain on the AHR and the work of history more broadly.

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All Episodes





AHA Topics

Season 3

Episode 6

AHA 2025 and History Teachers
In this episode, we revisit AHA 2025 with a focus on history teachers. Daniel sits with Katharina Matro and Megan...

Season 3

Episode 5

Jo Guldi on Text Mining, AI, and Digital History
Historian and quantitative methods expert Jo Guldi discusses text mining, AI, and the wider landscape of digital history in this...

Season 3


“Historians On”: AI in Teaching and Research
At the 2024 AHA annual meeting in San Francisco, historian David Trowbridge sat down with attendees to discuss topics of...

Season 3

Episode 4

Histories of Resilience
In December 2024 the American Historical Review published its inaugural special issue. Titled “Histories of Resilience,” it features eighteen scholars...

Season 3


BONUS: AfriWetu Host Mona Nyambura Muchemi
A conversation with AfriWetu host and creator Mona Nyambura Muchemi. We talk...

Season 3

Episode 3

AfriWetu on Dihya Al Kahina
In this second installment from our collaboration with African history podcast AfriWetu, Mona, with...

Season 3

Episode 2

Introducing AfriWetu + Buganda Kingdom
Introducing the latest entry in our podcast collaboration series: a terrific and thoughtful African history podcast called AfriWetu. In this...

Season 3

Episode 1

A New Welfare History
What story can be told of the American welfare state when you broaden the view beyond established government programs and...

Season 2


Producers Daniel, Matt, and Conor reflect on season 2 and talk history podcasting generally. Plus a preview from Daniel on...

Our Team

A close of up microphone in studio
Podcast Production Team

History in Focus is produced and hosted by Daniel Story. The podcast is a production of the American Historical Review in partnership with the AHA and the University Library at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Other members of the podcast team include:

Mark Philip Bradley, Editor of the AHR
Syrus Jin, Assistant to the Editor, AHR
Phoebe Rettberg, Audio Engineering Assistant
Alexandra Levy, Communications Director at the AHA
Sarah Muncy, Managing Editor, AHR
Alana Venable, Deputy Managing Editor, AHR


AHR Interview
AHR Interview

AHR Interview ran from 2018-2021. The podcast presented brief discussions with historians whose work has appeared in the American Historical Review. Sometimes the interview accompanied an article or a featured review in a current or recent issue; other times it featured a scholar who had recently been in the news, but whose work appeared in the journal in the past. These accessible and user-friendly podcasts highlight historical scholarship of wide interest and enormous import for issues of the day.

American Historical Review

The American Historical Review is the flagship journal of the AHA and the journal of record for the historical discipline in the United States, bringing together scholarship from every major field of historical study.