The AHR welcomes submissions in traditional article, digital media, and other formats that advance new historical knowledge.

We seek innovative work that addresses the diverse spatial, temporal, and thematic dimensions animating contemporary historical inquiry. In considering any submission for publication in the AHR, the editors look for pieces that make original arguments and can communicate their findings to the wider discipline. Because our readers embrace all fields of history and are located throughout the world, the AHR aims to publish work that reaches beyond various specialties and subfields and that engages the common interests of the historical discipline as a whole.

A submission will be not considered for publication if it is concurrently under consideration by another journal or press, or if it has been published or is in submission, under contract, or in press elsewhere. Both restrictions apply to the substance as well as to the exact wording of the manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted, the editors expect that its appearance in the AHR will precede republication of the essay, or any significant part thereof, in another work. Final decisions regarding publication are up to the discretion of the editors.