About Letters to the Editor

Letters submitted for inclusion in the AHR’s Communications section must pertain directly to an article or review that has appeared in the journal and be no longer than 1,000 words. Please include “Letter to the Editor” in the subject line of your email to confirm your letter is intended to be published in the journal. Acceptance for publication is at the discretion of the editors.

Authors or reviewers referenced in the original letter will be offered an opportunity to reply. The word limit for a response is the same as for the original letter. The original letter writer is not permitted to see the reply before publication.

All letters are checked for possible libel. No libelous statements that make the journal vulnerable to a lawsuit will be published. Once a letter has been approved by the editors, it is lightly edited for house style before being sent to the person referenced for a reply.

Letter writers do not receive page proof or advance copies of their published letters. All proofreading is done by AHR staff.

Letters can be emailed to ahreditor@historians.org or mailed to Editor, American Historical Review, 400 A St. SE, Washington, DC 20003. Please include contact information in case we have questions about your letter.

In terms of copyright, the letters become the property of the American Historical Association.

The American Historical Association disclaims responsibility for statements, of either fact or opinion, made by writers in the American Historical Review.