Awards Received in 2024
Lauren R. Clay (Vanderbilt Univ.)
March 2023 article “Liberty, Equality, Slavery: Debating the Slave Trade in Revolutionary France," was awarded the 2024 William Koren Jr. Prize by the Society for French Historical Studies. This prize is awarded to the most outstanding article on any period of French history published in the previous year by a scholar appointed at a college or university in the United States or Canada.
Lauren R. Clay (Vanderbilt Univ.)
March 2023 article “Liberty, Equality, Slavery: Debating the Slave Trade in Revolutionary France," was 2024 Honorable Mention for the French Colonial Historical Society 2024 Article Prize. This prize is is open to all articles dealing with French Colonial history and was awarded for making "an important intervention in the historiographies of the French and Haitian Revolutions by tracing how merchant interests scuttled debate over the slave trade in the open years of the French Revolution."
Debra Blumenthal (Univ. of California at Santa Barbara)
December 2023 article “As [Healthy] Women Should’: Enslaved Women, Medical Experts, and ‘Hidden’ Menstrual Disorders in Late Medieval Mediterranean Slave Markets,” was awarded the 2024 Nursing Clio Prize for Best Journal Article. This prize is awarded annually for the best peer-reviewed academic journal article on the intersection of gender and medical histories in English.
Awards Received in 2023
Gili Kliger (Harvard Univ.)
September 2022 article “Translating God on the Borders of Sovereignty,” was awarded the 2023 Arrington-Prucha Prize by the Western Historical Association. This prize is awarded annually for the best essay of the year on religious history in the West.
Gili Kliger (Harvard Univ.)
September 2022 article “Translating God on the Borders of Sovereignty,” was awarded the 2023 Dorothy Ross Prize by the Society for US Intellectual History. This prize is awarded for the best article in US intellectual history.
Jeong Min Kim (Univ. of Manitoba)
June 2022 article “Base Money: US Military Payment Certificates and the Transpacific Sexual Economies of the Korean War, 1950-1953,” was awarded the 2023 Judith Lee Ridge Prize by the Western Association for Western Historians. This prize recognizes the best article in the field of history published in one of the two years preceding the prize year.
Emilie Connolly (Brandeis Univ.)
March 2022 article “Fiduciary Colonialism: Annuities and Native Dispossession in the Early United States,” was awarded the 2023 Stuart L. Bernath Scholarly Article Prize by the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. This prize is awarded to recognize and encourage distinguished research and writing by junior scholars in the field of diplomatic relations.
Samuel Dolbee (Vanderbilt Univ.)
March 2022 article “Empire on the Edge: Desert, Nomads, and the Making of an Ottoman Provincial Border,” was named a co-winner of the 2023 OTSA Article Prize by the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association. This prize is awarded for an outstanding article in the field of Ottoman and Turkish Studies.