The Newsmagazine of the American Historical Association
Unsettling Classrooms in Aotearoa
Across iterations of her course on the Treaty of Waitangi / Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Sara Buttsworth looked to “unsettle” her classroom.
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Snake Bracelet
From ancient Egypt to the 20th century, snake bracelets have taken on different meanings across the globe.
Current Issue
January 2025 | A Vibrant Discipline
With each turn of a kaleidoscope, what you see completely changes. New colors and shapes and combinations appear before your eyes. In this issue, focused on the “broadening the definition of scholarship,” we want readers to see the countless possibilities for how we do history today. Like that twist of the kaleidoscope, shifts in our thinking, our methods, and ultimately the resulting products can open up vibrant possibilities for our discipline.
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About Perspectives
Perspectives on History is the newsmagazine of the American Historical Association and is the principal source for news and information about the discipline of history. Since 1962, Perspectives has cultivated the community of historians and promoted our work by publishing articles and commentary on all aspects of the historical discipline. The print magazine and its website showcase work by historians working in various professional settings.
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American Historical Review
The American Historical Review is the official publication of the American Historical Association and has been the journal of record for the historical discipline in the United States since 1895.