AHA Addresses & News

Council Meeting - Hilton
Year in Review

The AHA Year in Review provides an overview of the AHA's activities over the course of the year, highlighting efforts in key areas of the AHA's mission, such as leadership, advocacy, and building community. The Year in Review summarizes the activities and accomplishments of the AHA's publications, annual meeting and other conferences, public outreach, and more.

AHA - Denver - January 7, 2017 - Committee on Minority Historians' Reception #021
Annual Reports

Each year the American Historical Association produces an annual report that includes reports from the editor of the American Historical Review, officers in the different divisions, and members of the different committees. Also included are the decisions of Council, minutes and resolutions from the business meeting, the association’s financial report, and more.

AHA Committee Reports

Primary Source Collections

GI Roundtable Series

The GI roundtable series was prepared under the direction of the US Army’s Division of Information and Education between 1943 and 1945 “to increase the effectiveness of the soldiers and officers as fighters during the war and as citizens after the war.” The accent in the booklets is on what the postwar world would look like, and reassuring servicemen that they would have a place in postwar America. These booklets provide an intriguing indicator that the postwar world was being seriously considered and developed fairly early in the military campaign.

Sixteen Months to Sumter

Providing access to hundreds of newspaper editorials detailing the shifting tides of emotion and opinion in the 16 months leading to southern secession and the American Civil War, this collection is intended primarily as a teaching resource, to enrich students’ exploration and understanding of the period and assist history teachers by expanding the available primary sources.