A Report to the American Historical Association by the Committee of Seven, 1898
Andrew C. McLaughlin, Chairman
Herbert B. Adams
George L. Fox
Albert Bushnell Hart
Charles H. Haskins
Lucy M. Salmon
H. Morse Stephens
Table of Headings
Preface and Preliminary Work of the Committee
Continuity of Historical Study and the Relation of History to Other Subjects
Four Years’ Course, consisting of Four Blocks or Periods
Why No Short Course in General History is Recommended
How the Different Blocks or Periods May be Treated
Appendix I: The Present Condition of History in American Secondary Schools
Appendix II: Study of History below the Secondary Schools
Appendix III: History in the German Gymnasia
Appendix IV: History in French Lycées
Appendix V: History in English Secondary Schools
Appendix VI: History in Canadian Secondary Schools
Appendix VII: Some Books and Articles on the Teaching of History