Published Date

January 1, 1898

From The Study of History in Schools (1898)

The following titles have been selected from the vast number of books and articles relating to history and its teaching, in the hope that they may prove helpful to teachers who may not already be acquainted with them. Longer lists will be found in Channing and Hart’s Guide to the Study of American History, section 15, and at the beginning of the various chapters of Hinsdale’s How to Study and Teach History. For discussions that have appeared since the publication of these works, see particularly the Educational Review, the School Review, and the Proceedings of the National Educational Association, the Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools in the Middle States and Maryland, the similar Association in New England, and of the New England History Teachers’ Association. Mr. J. I. Wyer, of the library of the University of Nebraska, has compiled for the American Historical Association an extensive Bibliography of the Study and Teaching of History, which it is hoped will soon be published. The prices quoted below are taken from the publishers’ catalogues; in the case of works in foreign languages they do not include the cost of binding.


1. Books with which Every Teacher of History Should Be Acquainted

Charles Kendall AdamsA Manual of Historical Literature. Third edition. New York, Harpers, 1889. $2.50.
Contains an introduction on the study of history, “brief descriptions of the most important histories in English, French, and German,” and suggestions as to courses of reading on particular countries or periods. The work needs revision. Sonnenschein’s Bibliography of History (reprinted from his Best Books and Reader’s Guide, London, 1897, 4s. 6d.), is more recent, and in some respects more helpful.

The American Historical Review. New York, Macmillan, quarterly since 1895. $3 a year (free to members of the American Historical Association).
Every progressive teacher of history should keep abreast of current publications on historical topics. The most convenient method is by means of the book reviews and notes in the American Historical Review.

Edward Channing and Albert Bushnell HartGuide to the Study of American History. Boston, Ginn, 1896. $2.
Includes a consideration of methods and materials, a bibliography of American history, and a series of topical references. Especially intended for the teacher of American History.

Burke Aaron Hinsdale, How to Study and Teach History, with Particular Reference to the History of the United States. (International Education Series.) New York, Appleton, 1894. $1.50.
“No effort is made to tell the teacher just what be shall teach or just how he shall teach it. The aim is rather to state the uses of history, to define in a general way its field, to present and to illustrate criteria for the choice of facts, to emphasize the organization of facts with reference to the three principles of association, to indicate sources of information, to describe the qualifications of the teacher, and, finally, to illustrate causation and the grouping of facts by drawing the outlines of some important chapters of American history.” The book is written particularly for the use of teachers in elementary and secondary schools, and contains numerous references to books and articles on the subject.

Charles Victor Langlois and Charles SeignobosIntroduction to the Study of History. Translated by G. G. Berry, with a preface by F. York Powell. New York, Holt, 1898. $2.25.
The best brief treatise on the methods of historical investigation. Appendix I treats briefly of history in French secondary schools.

Report of the Committee [of Ten] on Secondary School StudiesWashington Bureau of Education, 1893. Now out of print in this form. Also reprinted by the American Book Company, New York, 1894. 30 cents. Pp. 162-203 contain the report of the Madison Conference on history, civil government, and political economy; pp. 185-200 are devoted to “methods of historical teaching.”

2. Other Noteworthy Books on Historical Methods.

Mary Sheldon BarnesStudies in Historical Method. Boston, Heath, 1896. 90 cents. “Written especially for the teacher who wishes to specialize his work;” particularly suggestive in regard to children’s ideas of history. Contains brief bibliographies; sources, pp. 8-10; helps for the study of current history, pp. 14-15; bibliographical aids, maps and atlases, chronologies, pp. 34-37; works on method, pp. 139-144.

Johann Gustav Droysen, Outline of the Principles of History. Translated by E. Benjamin Andrews. Boston, Ginn, 1893. $1.
A philosophical discussion of the nature of history.

Edward A. FreemanMethods of Historical Study. London and New York, Macmillan, 1886.
Interesting lectures on various aspects of historical study in general.

Stanley Hall, editor.Methods of Teaching History, Second edition. Boston, Heath, 1885. $1.50.
A series of papers by teachers of history on various aspects of historical study, particularly as seen in colleges and universities. Now somewhat out of date; a third edition is proposed.

William Harrison MaceMethod in History. Boston, Ginn, 1897. $1. Treats of the “organization of historical material,” particularly as illustrated by American history.

3. Ten Useful Articles on Methods of Teaching History in Secondary Schools.

This short list contains only articles which deal directly and in a, helpful way with problems of teaching; articles on the nature of historical study in general, on the place of history in schools, or on the arrangement of the curriculum in history are not included.

Mary Sheldon Barnes. The Teaching of Local History. In Educational Review (December, 1895), X, 481-488

A more special article on the same theme is that of

G. Thwaites, “The Study of Local History in the Wisconsin Schools,”Wisconsin Journal of Education(November, 1888), XVIII, 465-476.

James Bryce, “The Teachings of Civic Duty” in Forum (July, 1893), XV, 552-566; and Contemporary Review (July, 1893), LXIV, 14-28.

Albert Bushnell Hart, “How to Teach History in Secondary Schools,” Syracuse Academy (September, October, 1887), 11, 256-265, 306-315. Reprinted in his Studies in American Education (New York, Longmans, 1895), 91-121.

Ray Greene Huling, “History in Secondary Education,” Educational Review (May, June, 1894), VII, 448-459; VIII, 43-53.

W. Macdonald, “Civics by the Parliamentary Method,”Syracuse Academy(May, 1892), VII, 217-227.

“Practical Methods of Teaching History.” Educational Review (April, 1898), XV, 313-330. Report to the New England History Teachers’ Association, with discussion, by President Eliot. Printed also in the Register and Report of the First Annual Meeting of the Association, Boston, 1897.

“Report of the Conference on Entrance Requirements in History (to the New England Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools),” School Review (October, 1895), III, 469-485. For discussion of this report, see School Review (December, 1895), III, 597-631; Educational Review (December, 1895), X, 417-429.

James E. Russell, “History and Geography in the Higher Schools of Germany,” School Review (May, October, 1897), V. 257-268, 539-547. Also forms part of his German Higher Schools (New York, Longmans, 1899), 291-311.

Lucy M. Salmon, “The Teaching of History in Academies and Colleges,” Syracuse Academy (September, 1890), V. 283-292. Reprinted in Woman and the Higher Education (New York, Harpers, 1893), 131-152.

Anna Boynton Thompson, “Suggestions to Teachers,” in Channing’s Students’ History of the United States (New York, Macmillan, 1898),

4. Valuable Works in Foreign Languages.

Rafael AltamiraLa Ensenanza de la Historia. Second edition, Madrid, Suarev, 1895. $2.
Largely a description of the secondary and higher instruction in history in Europe and America.

Ernst Bernheim, Lehrbuch der historischen Methode. Second edition. Leipzig, Duncker and Humblot, 1894. $3; bound, $3.50.
An admirable manual, discussing the nature of historical science, its relations to other subjects, and the principles of historical criticism and interpretation. Excellent bibliographies.

Oskar JagerDidaktik and Methodik des Geschichtsunterrichts. Munich, Beck, 1895. 75 cents. (Reprinted from Baumeister’s Handbuch der Erziehungs und Unterrichtslehre fur hohere Schulen.)
Gives a detailed exposition of the methods of instruction in the various classes of the German gymnasium.

Charles Victor LangloisManuel de Bibliographie Historique. Part I. Paris, Hachette, 1896. 60 cents.
The best account of the bibliographical tools of the historian.

Ernest LavisseA propos de nos Ecoles. Paris, Colin, 1895. 70 cents.
M. Lavisse is an exceedingly stimulating writer on history and its teaching, but unfortunately his essays are scattered in various publications. This volume includes (pp. 77-107) his report of 1890 on methods of teaching history in secondary schools.

5. Articles on the Teaching of History Written from the Point of View of English Schools.

Alice Andrews, “Teaching Modern History to Senior Classes,” in Work and Play in Girl’s Schools (London and New York, Longmans, 1899), 124-158. $2.25.

Oscar Browning, “The Teaching of History in Schools,” in Royal Historical Society Transactions, new series, IV, 69-84.

F. Charles, “History Teaching in Schools,” inLondon Journal of Education(June, 1895), XVII, 379.

H. Garlick,A New Manual of Method. London and New York, Longmans, 1896. $1.20. Chapter XIII deals with history.

Somervell, “Modern History,” in P. A. Barnett’s Teaching and Organization(London and New York, Longmans, 1897),161-179. $2.

H. Spence, A. L. Smith, “The Teaching of Modern History,” in Essays on Secondary Education, edited by Christopher Cookson (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1898),161-195.

J. Wells, The Teaching of History in Schools. (A lecture delivered at the University Extension Summer Meeting in Oxford.) London, Methuen, 1892. 6 d.

L. Withers, “Ancient History,” in P. A. Barnett’s Teaching and Organization(London and New York, Longmans, 1897), 180-198.

Next section: Appendix VIII