“I still find history full of wonders; I still find in the differences in past societies a way to take stock of the present—a source of sober realism, but also a source of hope."
Natalie Zemon Davis
Princeton Univ.
AHA Resources
History, the Past, and Public Culture: Results from a National Survey
With funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the AHA partnered with Fairleigh Dickinson University to develop and implement a national survey to assess public perceptions of, and engagement with, the discipline of history and the past. The 40-question survey explores the public’s definition of the term “history,” where audiences access history, which sources of history are perceived to be reliable, their historical learning experiences, attitudes toward historical revision, correlations between civic engagement and an interest in history, and the perceived value of history.

Perspectives on History
Perspectives on History is the newsmagazine of the American Historical Association and is the principal source for news and information about the discipline of history. Perspectives publishes articles and commentary on all aspects of the historical discipline, current events in historical context, and more.

American Lesson Plan: Teaching US History in Secondary Schools
The AHA’s 2024 report shares findings from the most comprehensive study of secondary US history education undertaken in the 21st century. The report provides empirical evidence and rigorous analysis to inform current debates over how history is taught in our schools.

History in Focus
History in Focus is a podcast by the American Historical Review. Go behind the scenes with the world's leading history journal as we explore the who, what, how, and why of doing history in the 21st century.

Current Events in Historical Context
These compilations of AHA resources provide historical context to important current events.
AHA Events

History Behind the Headlines
History Behind the Headlines is a webinar series featuring prominent historians discussing the history behind current events.

Congressional Briefings
The AHA’s Congressional Briefings series seeks to provide Congressional staff members, journalists, and other members of the policy community with the historical context essential to understanding contemporary issues.