Published Date

September 15, 1973

Resource Type

AHA Archival Document, AHA Committee Report


History of the Discipline

AHA Topics

AHA Initiatives & Projects

Table of Contents

Letter of Transmittal


Rationale and Proposals

Letter of Transmittal

To: All Members of the American Historical Association

From: The Review Board

Date: 15 September 1973

We herewith submit to the membership of the American Historical Association the final report of the Review Board.

This report contains two kinds of recommendations. The first is a single resolution embodying a new constitution for the association. We propose that this constitution be voted on as a whole and that it be substituted for the present constitution. If this constitution is adopted, we urge that the Council establish means to work out the transition from the old system to the new so that the new arrangements may be in operation by the time of the business meeting of 1974.

Second, we have presented a rationale and have offered as an agenda for discussion and action by the Council and other groups within the association some proposals for policy and other changes.

We also urge the Council to frame as soon as possible bylaws for the conduct of the business of the association in order that these bylaws may be brought into effect as soon as the new constitution is adopted.

We hope that this report will be of use to all members of the association and that it will help our professional organization to become more responsive to the needs of all historians.

James M. Banner, Jr.
Princeton University

Raymond F. Betts
University of Kentucky

John W. Blassingame
Yale University

Wade H. Boggs
The Westminster Schools
Atlanta, Georgia

Margaret Branson
Holy Names and Mills Colleges

Letitia W. Brown
George Washington University

Joseph C. D’Oronzio
State University of New York College at New Paltz

Hanna H. Gray, Chairman
Northwestern University

Alessandra L. Levenbook
Northwood Senior High School
Silver Spring, Maryland

David H. Pinkney
University of Washington

Roger W. Shugg
University of New Mexico

Henry R. Winkler
Rutgers University