Listing in the Directory

AHA Directory 2020-21The 46th edition of the Directory of History Departments, Historical Organizations, and Historians, which covers the academic year 2020–21, has been published in both a print and an online version. The online edition is accessible throughout the year in a searchable format. Beginning in 2021, the Directory will be exclusively online.

Institutions that have previously listed in the Directory can make changes to their entry online. Go to the My Institution section on the MY AHA page and click on “Update Directory Entry.”

If you are interested in listing your department or organization in the Directory for the first time, please contact editor Liz Townsend.

Why List?

  • The Directory is the only index of historians and history programs in North America, and the only online publication of its kind for the profession.
  • Almost 700 US and Canadian history departments and organizations are listed each year.
  • Nearly 22,000 historians are listed in the Directory, with their contact information and field of specialization.
  • The Directory serves as a guide to historians and departments and as a promotional tool for your institution.

Listing Fee

To cover the production costs of such a large and detailed publication, the Association charges a listing fee. This year the fee will be $175 for each listing in the Directory from a department or organization that is not an Institutional Member. Starting in 2021, institutional members will receive a listing for free as part of their annual membership fee. Community college departments have a special rate of $40 for institutional nonmembers and free for members. 

New Institutions

All entries should be e-mailed to Liz Townsend. Please download and complete the appropriate form listed below and send it in.

