
The American Historical Association offers two prestigious periodicals: the American Historical Review, the journal of record for the historical profession in the United States, and Perspectives on History, the principal source for news and information about the historical profession.

The AHR is published in February, April, June, October, and December. Perspectives appears nine times a year (monthly from September to May).


  • Individual Subscriptions

    Individual members of the AHA automatically receive a subscription to Perspectives on History. When joining or renewing, members may choose to receive Perspectives in electronic format only.

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    Institutional Subscriptions

    AHA institutional members automatically receive print copies. Perspectives is also available as a free-standing subscription to institutions. The price is $65 per year (nine issues) for domestic subscribers, $85 international, and includes the Association's annual meeting program, published each October.

    Perspectives on History Subscriber Form

    Electronic Access

    Perspectives on History articles are available online for all readers. AHA individual members can also download PDF, MOBI, and EPUB versions.

  • Individual Subscriptions

    Individual members of the AHA automatically receive a subscription to the American Historical Review. When joining or renewing, members may choose to receive the AHR in electronic format only.

    Join Now!

    Institutional Subscriptions

    Institutional subscriptions to the American Historical Review are available from Oxford University Press. Pricing and order forms are available on the OUP website. Single issues are also available for purchase.

    Electronic Access

    The American Historical Review can be accessed electronically in several ways. AHA individual members should log on at MY AHA and click "American Historical Review at Oxford University Press" under "AHA Publications."

    E-book versions in MOBI and EPUB formats can be downloaded by AHA individual members.