Appendix D: Principal Sources Consulted

Principal Sources Consulted

I. Books and Articles

Astin, Helen S. The Woman Doctorate in America; Origins, Career, and Family. Russell Sage Foundation; New York, 1969.

Bernard, Jessie. Academic Women. Meridian: Cleveland and New York, 1966.

Epstein, Cynthia. Woman's Place: Options and Limits in Professional Careers. Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, 1970.

Graham, Patricia Albjerg. "Women in Academe." Science, Sept. 25, 1970.

Harris, Anne S. "The Second Sex in Academe." AAUP Bulletin, Sept., 1970.

Keniston, Ellen and Keniston, Kenneth. "An American Anachronism: The Image of Women and Work." American Scholar, Vol. 33, No. 3, Summer, 1964.

Lifton, Robert J. (ed.) The Woman in America. Houghton Mifflin Boston, 1965, for Daedalus.

Mooney, Joseph D. "Attrition among Ph.D. Candidates: An Analysis of a Cohort of Recent Woodrow Wilson Fellows," Journal of Human Resources, Vol. III, No. 1.

Rossi, Alice S. "The Status of Women in Graduate Departments of Sociology, 1968-1969," American Sociologist, Fall, 1969.

Scully Malcolm G. "Women in Higher Education: Challenging the Status Quo," from Chronicle of Higher Education, IV, 18, February 9 1970.

Shuck, Victoria. "Women in Political Science: Some Preliminary Observations," Political Science, Fall, 1969.

Simon, Rita J.; Clark, Shirley Merritt and Galway, Kathleen. "The Woman Ph.D.: A Recent Profile," Social Problems. Fall, 1967.

II. Statistical Reports and Official Publications

Bayer, Alan E. College and University Faculty: A Statistical Description. A Report on a Collaborative Survey by the Carnegie Commission on the Future of Higher Education and the American Council of Education. ACE Research Report, Vol. 5, No. 5, June, 1970.

American Council of Education. A Fact Book on Higher Education, Earned Degrees, No. 4, 1969.

U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, in cooperation with the National Institutes of Health. Special Report on Women and Graduate Study. A Re-sources for Medical Research publication, 1958.

Chandler, Marjorie O. Earned Degrees Conferred, 1965-66. U.S. and Rice, Mabel C. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, publication OE-54013-66. (Washington, 1966).

Chandler, Marjorie O. Students Enrolled for Advanced Degrees. Fall, 1967. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare Publication. (Washington, 1967).

U.S. Dept. of Labor; Wage and Labor Standards Administration,.

U.S. Dept. of Labor Handbook of Women Workers. Bulletin 294. (Washington, 1969).

National Academy of Doctorate Recipients from United States Sciences Universities 1959-1967. Publication 1489. (Washington, 1969)

National Academy of Careers of Ph.D.'s, Academic versus Non Sciences Academic; A Second Report on Follow-up of Doctorate Cohorts, 1935-1960. (This is Career Patterns Report No. 2 which the NIH commissioned the NAS to do). Publication 1577. (Washington, 1968)

III. Unpublished Studies

Berwald, Helen. "Attitudes toward Women College Teachers in Institutions of Higher Education Accredited by the North Central Association." Unpublished dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1962.

Mitchell, Susan. "Women and the Doctorate: A Study of Enabling
Barber or Impeding Factors among Oklahoma's Doctoral Recipients in the Attainment and Use of the Degree." Unpublished dissertation, University of Oklahoma, 1969.

Simpson, Lawrence A. "A Study of Employing Agents' Attitudes toward Academic Women in Higher Education." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 1969.

IV. Institutional Reports

Report of the Committee on Senate Policy: Subcommittee on the Status of Academic Women at the University of California, Berkeley Division, 1970.

Siegel, Alberta E. and "Education of Women at Stanford University," Carr, Ronald G. a part of The Study of Education at Stanford, Vol. II. March, 1969.

Women in the University of Chicago, the report of the Committee on University Women, May 1, 1970.

V. Unofficial Reports and Articles on Institutions

Alexander, Anne. "Who's Coma a Long Way, Baby?" The Johns Hopkins Magazine, April, 1970.

Bakke, E. Wight. "Graduate Education for Women at Yale," in Ventures, Fall, 1969.

Bynum, Caroline and Martin, Janet W. "The Sad Status of Women at Harvard...." Radcliffe Quarterly, June, 1970.

Graduate Comment, published at Wayne State University, Detroit. Vol. XII, No. 1, 1969, entire issue devoted to women in education. Here may be seen a summary article of Lawrence A. Simpson's unpublished dissertation cited in the first section of this short bibliography.

Preliminary Report on the Status of Women at Harvard, by the Women's Faculty Group. March 9, 1970.

Report from the Committee on Discrimination against Women Faculty, Columbia Women's Liberation, Women Faculty Group.

Yale Alumni Magazine, April, 1970, Devoted to "Coeducation and the New Woman."