Please note that the pamphlets did not list specific authors, due to the often significant rewriting by staff and censorship by the War Department and other agencies in the federal government. The author names, where given, are reconstructed from lists among the AHA Papers in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, and often only indicate the person who authored the first draft of the pamphlet.
Some pamphlets were commissioned but never published. The reasons for these cancellations vary, but many of them could not be finished and edited to satisfaction before the end of the war. When a pamphlet was cancelled the copyright was given back to the author. Therefore, these pamphlets cannot be published, though the original drafts are available in the AHA Papers in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress. See the titles, authors, and dates of those cancelled pamphlets.
EM 1: Guide for Discussion Leaders (1944)
EM 2: What Is Propaganda? (1944)
EM 3: Is a Crime Wave Coming? (1946)
EM 4: Are Opinion Polls Useful? (1946)
EM 5: Why Do We Have a Social Security Law? (1946)
EM 6: Why Do Veterans Organize? (1946)
EM 10: What Shall Be Done about Germany after the War? (1944)
EM 11: What Shall Be Done with the War Criminals? (1944)
EM 12: Can We Prevent Future Wars? (1944)
EM 13: How Shall Lend-Lease Accounts Be Settled? (1945)
EM 14: Is the Good Neighbor Policy a Success? (1945)
EM 15: What Shall Be Done about Japan after Victory? (1945)
EM 16: What Makes the British Commonwealth Hold Together? (1946)
EM 17: How Free Are the Skyways? (1945)
EM 18: What Is the Future of Italy? (1945)
EM 19: Building a Workable Peace (1946)
EM 20: What Has Alaska to Offer Postwar Pioneers? (1944)
EM 21: Shall We Have Universal Military Training? (1944 Censored)
EM 22: Will There Be Work for All? (1944)
EM 23: Why Co-ops? What Are They? How Do They Work? (1944)
EM 24: What Lies Ahead for the Philippines? (1945)
EM 25: What Shall We Do with Our Merchant Fleet? (1946)
EM 26: Can the Germans Be Re-educated? (1945)
EM 27: What Is the Future of Television? (1945)
EM 28: How Far Should the Government Control Radio? (1946)
EM 29: Is Your Health the Nation’s Business? (1946)
EM 30: Can War Marriages Be Made to Work? (1944)
EM 31: Do You Want Your Wife to Work after the War? (1944)
EM 32: Shall I Build a House after the War? (1944)
EM 33: What Will Your Town Be Like? (1945)
EM 34: Shall I Go Back to School? (1945)
EM 35: Shall I Take Up Farming? (1945)
EM 36: Does It Pay to Borrow? (1945)
EM 37: Will There Be a Plane in Every Garage? (1945)
EM 38: Who Should Choose a Civil Service Career? (1946)
EM 39: Shall I Go into Business for Myself? (1946)
EM 40: Will the French Republic Live Again? (1944)
EM 41: Our British Ally (1944)
EM 42: Our Chinese Ally (1944)
EM 43: The Balkans—Many Peoples, Many Problems (1944)
EM 44: Australia: Our Neighbor Down Under (1944)
EM 45: What Future for the Islands of the Pacific? (1944)
EM 46: Our Russian Ally (1945)
EM 47: Canada: Our Oldest Good Neighbor (1946)
EM 90: GI Radio Roundtable (1944)
A Cautionary Note on Proper Use of Primary Sources
A certain caution is in order when using the materials on this site. While the pamphlets contain numerous facts and figures, and venture a number of opinions on everything from the role of women to the best place to work, it is important to remember that they reflect the facts and opinions of historians and social scientists at a particular moment in time. As such, these pamphlets are reproduced here for use as primary sources, and they should not be used as the source for a particular statistic, or support for a particular opinion.
Many of the statistics, for instance, have been superseded by improved statistical methods or new data. Likewise many of the opinions in these pamphlets (and their analysis) reflect the limitations of a given moment in time. The purpose of this web site is not to support the return of the worldview represented in the pamphlets, but to provide evidence of this worldview and sources for its examination.
Historians use sources like these to look at change over time, both within a particular era, and in comparison to today. We hope that the materials on this site will stimulate further interest and exploration of the past.
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February 23, 2002