Published Date

November 1, 1944

Resource Type

GI Roundtable Series, Primary Source

(Published November 1944)


Table of Contents

Americans Like to Talk Things Over

For the Station Operator

For the Writer

For the Producer

To the Participants

For the Chairman

For All Concerned

For Information-Education Officers

Americans Like to Talk Things Over

This is a booklet for you who may be interested in organizing, running, taking part in, or stirring up interest in, G.I. Radio Roundtable broadcasts. You may be in charge of an Armed Forces Radio Service outlet, or be an Information Education Officer or anyone else fully aware that this is a global war of ideas as well as weapons and supplies.

Americans both at home and overseas have shown, throughout the war, increasing interest in the discussion of public issues. In many army camps and commands off-duty discussion groups have been active. For these the War Department issued its Education Manual EM 1, G.I. Roundtable: Guide for Discussion Leaders, and is publishing from time to time other pamphlets under the general title G.I. Roundtable, giving background information on worthwhile discussion topics. Some of those who have been active in these G.I. Roundtables may want to try a special type of roundtable—the radio roundtable.

Why a G.I. Radio Roundtable? If democracy is to meet the challenge facing it in the postwar period, it will, more than ever, need citizens who are well informed and aware of current issues. The men and women of the armed forces who have served overseas will on their return share in solving many vital problems. To be readv for this responsibility they must know the facts behind the problems, and understand the solutions being proposed. The G.I. Radio Roundtable can help the service man return to civilian life a more alert and better-informed citizen, a citizen who looks at all sides, is willing to expose his ideas to new facts and rival theories, and to test his opinions in the give-and-take of discussion.