Some pamphlets were commissioned but never published. The reasons for these cancellations vary, but many of them could not be finished and edited to satisfaction before the end of the war. When a pamphlet was cancelled the copyright was given back to the author. Therefore, these pamphlets cannot be published, though the original drafts are available in the AHA Papers in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress.
Conciliation or Conflict?
(Alternative titles included “Peaceful Settlement of Disputes,” “World Organization for Peace,” and “Can We Sidetrack Future Wars”)
By Leland Goodrich, World Peace Foundation Director
Rewritten by Arthur Lovejoy
Southeast Asia: Has Southeast Asia come of age?
By Lenox Mills, Professor of Political Science, University of Minnesota
Submitted September 27, 1944
Independence for India?
(Alternative title “Freedom for India”)
By David Wilson, Professor of History, University of Minnesota
Submitted March 26, 1945
Should Congress Lead or Follow Public Opinion?
By Hadley Cantril, Director, Office of Public Research, Princeton University
Submitted December 8, 1944
Rejected by the War Department
Should Congress Streamline Itself?
By Cushman Coyle
Submitted June 26, 1945
What Kind of Education Should My Children Have?
Original by Dr. Francis J. Brown, American Council on Education
Rewritten by Kenneth M. Gould, Chief Editor, Scholastic
Rewritten by Dr. Edgar B. Wesley, University of Minnesota
Rewritten by Professor Everett Sackett, University of New Hampshire
Submitted February 8, 1945
Cancelled August 29, 1945
Should We Have Postwar Price Control?
(Alternative titles “Price Control” and “Rationing)
Original by R.B. Hefelbower, Economist, Food Price Division, OPA
Rewritten by Maxwell Stewart, Editor, Public Affairs Committee
Submitted February 21, 1945
Cancelled August 30th, 1945
How Can I Decide about a Postwar Job?
(Alternative title “Me and My Job”)
By Wendell White, Professor, University of Minnesota
Submitted February 26, 1945
Cancelled August 29, 1945
Is Labor Carrying Its Load?
By Joseph Loftus, New York Times, Washington Bureau
Submitted April 25, 1945
Cancelled August 29, 1945
Can a World Free Press Be Achieved?
By Lewellyn White, Commission on Freedom of the Press
Submitted May 26, 1945
Cancelled August 29, 1945
Have We a Free Press?
By Robert E. Cushman, Professor of Government, Cornell University
How Will You Get Along with the Folks at Home?
By Professor Kimball Young, Army University Center
Revised by William Miller
Cancelled August 18, 1945
Whose Job Is Reconversion?
By Arthur Upgren, Federal Reserve Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Revised by David Coyle
Cancelled August 18, 1945
Are Cartels Necessary for World Economic Stability?
By Ben Lewis, Professor of Economics, Oberlin College
Who Should Choose a Career in the Army?
By Joseph L. Greene, Col., Inf. Editor, Infantry Journal
Can You Spot a Fascist or a Communist?
(No author commissioned; just a suggested topic)
Are Leaders Born or Made?
By Ordway Tead, Editor, Harper & Brothers Publishers
Should We Swear Off Foreign Trade?
By Morris S. Rosenthal, Executive VP, Stein, Hall, & Corplne
Can You Help Make Foreign Policy?
Should Labor Unions Be Further Regulated?
By Louis Stark, New York Times
Submitted January 13, 1945
Should We Restrict Immigration Further after the War?
(Shall we change our Immigration Policy?)
By Maurice Davie, Department of Sociology, Yale University, and Committee for the Study of Immigration
Submitted September 27, 1945
Who Runs My Town?
By Robert E. and Mary P. Keohane, University of Chicago
What about Argentina?
By Yashel Rennie, Author, The Argentine Republic
Submitted September 27, 1945
Related Resources
February 23, 2002