This resource was developed in 2004 as part of “The Conquest of Mexico” by Nancy Fitch.
Sahagún, Fray Bernardino de. Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España. Edited by Francisco del Paso y Troncoso. 4 vols. Madrid: Fototipia de Hauser y Menet, 1905. [My translation]
This version of the Códice Florentine is based on the version of the codex held in Florence as well as on the summary of the original codex, Primeros memorials, held in the Bibliioteca de Palacio, Madrid. The four volumes reveal the friar’s attempt to understand native culture, plants, medicine, and language by encouraging older men to draw in the traditional style of the Mexicas. There are many images which accompany the text. The images of Malinche portray her with her hair tied up on her head unlike her images in El Lienzo de Tlaxcala.
- Book 12, Chapter 1: Omens Predicting Catastrophe
- Book 12, Chapter 2: Moctezuma Learns of Strange Visitors
- Book 12, Chapter 3: Moctezuma Sends Messengers to the Strangers
- Book 12, Chapter 5: Moctezuma’s Messengers Greet Cortés
- Book 12, Chapter 7: Moctezuma Learns about the Spaniards
- Book 12, Chapter 8: Moctezuma Sends Emissaries to the Spaniards
- Book 12, Chapter 9: Moctezuma Learns of Malinche
- Book 12, Chapter 11: Mexica Account of Cholula Massacre
- Book 12, Chapter 13: Moctezuma Sends Sorcerers to Stop the Spaniards
- Book 12, Chapter 16: Mexica Accounts of Moctezuma Meeting Cortés
- Book 12, Chapter 17: Cortés Puts Moctezuma under House Arrest
- Book 12, Chapter 18: Malinche Begs Mexicas to Help Spaniards
- Book 12, Chapter 19: Mexicas Prepare to Celebrate the Festival of Toxcatl
- Book 12, Chapter 20: The Festival of Toxcatl
- Book 12, Chapter 23: The Death of Moctezuma
- Book 12, Chapter 24: Spaniards Flee Tenochtitlan
- Book 12, Chapter 29: Plague Strikes Tenochtitlan
- Book 12, Chapter 31: Spaniards Besiege Tenochtitlan with Brigantines
- Book 12, Chapter 35: Mexica Capture and Sacrifice Spaniards and Their Horses
- Book 12, Chapter 38: Mexicas Defend Themselves against the Spanish Catapult
- Book 12, Chapter 39: Mexica Receive Omens Predicting Defeat
- Book 12, Chapter 40: Cuahtemoc Surrenders
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