Why Study History
Historical Thinking in Everyday Life
The AHA offers resources for educators and students on the importance of studying history, and reflections on why learning about the past helps us understand the present.

June 13, 2019
What I Do: Personal Narratives

October 21, 2018
Careers for History Majors

January 1, 1998
Why Study History? (1998)
Everything Has a History
History informs our understanding of everything, and historians' voices are essential in conversations about current events. The American Historical Association advocates for the crucial role of historical thinking in public life and highlights the insights that come when we recognize that everything has a history.
AHA Advocacy
Advocating for the Discipline
The American Historical Association is unique among history organizations with the breadth and depth of our advocacy efforts.

December 17, 2008
Letter of Concern about Russian Raid on Human Rights Organization
History & Public Policy
The AHA is committed to honest history—in the classroom, in public memory, and through the many programs through which the federal government supports research.
Supporting History Education
Teaching History with Integrity
The AHA leads or participates in several initiatives to provide resources and support for history educators facing intensifying controversies about the teaching of the American past.

The AHA’s Freedom to Learn initiative educates historians and others on how to advocate publicly for honest history education and responds directly to legislation.

Videos featuring historians describing how exploring America's past honestly in the classroom benefits the nation's students, and how the freedom to learn also strengthens our shared democracy.

AHA staff have testified before state legislatures and boards of education, published articles, and made media appearances in support of the teaching of honest history, and public education.

The AHA and our partners have developed resources and toolkits for school system leaders, parents, teachers, and school board members.
Engage With History
Learning history is crucial for students and the public to understand our world today.
AHA In the News
The staff and leadership of the AHA are frequently quoted by the media.
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The AHA brings together historians from all specializations and all work contexts, embracing the breadth and variety of activity in history today

Your support is vital to our efforts to promote historical work and the importance of historical thinking in public life.