Published Date

May 1, 2004

Resource Type

Primary Source

This resource was developed in 2004 as part of “The Conquest of Mexico” by Nancy Fitch.

When author Anna Lanyon looked for information about Malinche in the Arvchivo Historico of Mexico City, she found a land grant for a woman named Isabel Rodriguez. She had come with Cortés from Cuba to take care of wounded soldiers. The records called her “the famous woman who cured wounds during the wars of Conquest.”

These land grants were common, and Malinche, herself, received woodland beside the wall of Chapultepec after she was married to Juan Xaramillo. In addition to her son with Cortés, Martin, Malinche had a daughter, Maria, with Xaramillo. Other than these few notes, there is little on the women involved in the conquest.