From GI Roundtable 39: Shall I Go into Business for Myself? (1946)
- Have you had previous experience in this line of business?
- Have you ever supervised the work of others? Been Boss? Met a payroll?
- Can you boss yourself? Drive yourself to do what is necessary? Are you a self-starter?
- Are you willing to take lower earnings or risk uncertain or irregular income while getting started? For how long?
- Have you made a forecast of the business outlook in your line and locality for the next year?
- Is your personal situation right for starting now? Your age? Your future prospects? Your family responsibility?
- Is the population of the community growing, standing still, declining?
- Have you canvassed the community to determine the number of stores now operating in your line and whether any of this type have closed recently?
- Will competition be strong and active or weak and sluggish?
- What do the wholesalers, manufacturers· representatives, and local businessmen in noncompeting lines think of the prospects for a store in this community?
- Have you talked to a banker? Does he think enough of the venture to loan you money?
- If you are going to buy a going business, have you checked the owner·s claims about the business with his copies of his income-tax returns?
- Have you consulted a lawyer to be sure that the title is good and that there is no lien on record against the assets you are buying?
- Have you chosen a good site for the type of business you want to run?
- Will any major remodeling or alterations be necessary?
- Does the lease have cancellation provisions?
- Is the amount of rent in proper proportion to estimated sales?
- Have you determined your equipment needs? Your fixtures?
- Are you going to pay for the equipment or fixtures on the installment plan? Have you decided the maximum monthly payment you can safely contract to make?
- Has your stock selection been guided by an analysis of consumer preference in your community?
- Have you worked out any stock control plans to avoid over-stocks, under-stocks, out-of-stocks?
- Are there any lines of goods which you can get the privilege of handling exclusively? What are the franchise arrangements?
- Are satisfactory employees available locally?
- Have you planned a bookkeeping system? Are you going to keep the records yourself? Hire a bookkeeper? Have an outsider come in periodically?
- Have you estimated the capital you need?
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