The AHA Professional Division promotes integrity, fairness, and civility in the practice of history—in educational institutions, museums and archives, government agencies and non-profit organizations, and all other places where historians study and interpret the past.
Among the Professional Division’s many responsibilities are the following:
- articulating ethical standards and best practices in the historical profession
- working to ensure fair treatment of all historians, regardless of ethnicity, race, sex, gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, age, and/or disability, in the course of their professional training and their careers in the historical profession
- supporting the free movement of students, scholars, and ideas into and out of the United States: the Division will pay special attention to the problems faced by foreign scholars invited to speak or do research or offered positions in the United States
responding to queries about the AHA’s Statement of Standards of Professional Conduct and proposing revisions to that document as needed - developing additional advisory materials to assist historians in navigating the professional opportunities, challenges, and dilemmas they encounter in their work
- addressing concerns relating to the practice of public history
- collecting and disseminating information about historical employment
- monitoring job markets in history and overseeing AHA roles therein
- selecting recipients of the Troyer Steele Anderson Prize and any other prizes for professional service