Published Date

June 16, 2024

Resource Type

AHA Resource, For the Classroom, Vetted Resource


Archives, Cultural, Current Events in Historical Context, Diplomatic/International, Latinx, Legal, Medicine, Science, & Technology, Migration, Immigration, & Diaspora, Political, Public History, Social, State & Local (US), Visual Culture

AHA Topics

Graduate Education, K–12 Education, Teaching & Learning, Undergraduate Education


Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America/Caribbean, Middle East, United States, World

This resource is part of the AHA’s The History of Racism and Racist Violence


“Erasing the Past: The Indian Government’s Dishonest History” by Hamaad Habibullah (Perspectives on History, 2024)

“‘Improper and Almost Rebellious Conduct’: Enslaved People’s Legal Politics and Abolition in the British Empire” by Max Mishler (American Historical Review, 2024)

“‘As [Healthy] Women Should’: Enslaved Women, Medical Experts, and ‘Hidden’ Menstrual Disorders in Late Medieval Mediterranean Slave Markets” by Debra Blumenthal (American Historical Review, 2023)

“Enslaved Women’s Bodies in Fifteenth-Century Spain + Seeing Black America in Iran” (History in Focus, 2023)

“The History of Them, the History of Us” by Edward Muir (Perspectives on History, 2023)

“A Holocaust Paragon of Virtue’s Rise to Fame: The Transnational Commemoration of the Japanese Diplomat Sugihara Chiune and Its Divergent National Motives” by Rotem Kowner (American Historical Review, 2023)

“Liberty, Equality, Slavery: Debating the Slave Trade in Revolutionary France” by Lauren R. Clay (American Historical Review, 2023)

“Seeing Black America in Iran” by Beeta Baghoolizadeh (American Historical Review, 2023)

“Yo Regresaré: Celia Cruz and Cuban Exile Memory” by Daniel J. Fernández-Guevara (Perspectives on History, 2023)

“Blood Brothers: Colonialism and Fascism as Relations in the Interwar Caribbean and West Africa” by Leslie James (American Historical Review, 2022)

“‘Do You Call Yourself a White Man?’: Nationalism, Criminalization of Interracial Sex, and the Policing of White Male (Hetero)sexuality in South Africa during Apartheid” by Susanne M Klausen (American Historical Review, 2022)

“Gender and Atlantic Slavery at Global Scale + The Redesign of the AHR (History in Focus, 2022)

“Gender History, Global History, and Atlantic Slavery: On Racial Capitalism and Social Reproduction” by Diana Paton (American Historical Review, 2022)

“Reading Private Photography: Pathos, Irony and Jewish Experience in the Face of Nazism” by Ofer Ashkenazi (American Historical Review, 2022)

“Slavery and Interethnic Sexual Violence: A Multiple Perpetrator Rape in Seventeenth-Century Livorno” by Tamar Herzig (American Historical Review, 2022)

“Teaching with Integrity: Confronting a Nation’s Past” with Katharina Matro (YouTube, 2022)

“On Silence and History” by Lilia Topouzova (American Historical Review, 2021)

“Walking While Indian, Walking While Black: Policing in a Colonial City” by Sylvia Sellers-García (American Historical Review, 2021)

“The Age of the Witness and the Age of Surveillance: Romani Holocaust Testimony and the Perils of Digital Scholarship” by Ari Joskowicz (American Historical Review, 2020)

“Ari Joskowicz on His Article ‘The Age of the Witness and the Age of Surveillance'” (AHR Interview, 2020)

“The Global Politics of Anti-Racism: A View from the Canal Zone” by Rebecca Herman (American Historical Review, 2020)

AHR Roundtable: Rethinking Anti-Semitism: Introduction” by Jonathan Judaken (American Historical Review, 2018)

“Encouraging Nuance in Holocaust History” by Rebecca Erbelding (AHA Today, 2018)

“Reframing Indigeneity: The Case of Assyrians in Northern Mesopotamia” by Sargon George Donabed and Daniel Joseph Tower (Perspectives on History, 2018)

AHR Conversation: Walls, Borders, and Boundaries in World History” by Suzanne Conklin Akbari, Tamar Herzog, Daniel Jütte, Carl Nightingale, William Rankin, and Keren Weitzberg (American Historical Review, 2017)

“‘Condemned to Rootlessness and Unable to Budge’: Roma, Migration Panics, and Internment in the Habsburg Empire” by Tara Zahra (American Historical Review, 2017)

“Fatal Differences: Suicide, Race, and Forced Labor in the Americas” by Marc A. Hertzman (American Historical Review, 2017)

“Reckoning with Colonial History: A Berlin Museum Faces the Future” by Steve Hochstadt (Perspectives on History, 2017)

“Rumors of Slavery: Defending Emancipation in a Hostile Caribbean” by Anne Eller (American Historical Review, 2017)

AHR Roundtable: The Archives of Decolonization: Introduction” by Farina Mir (American Historical Review, 2015)

“The Colonial Rule of Law and the Legal Regime of Exception: Frontier ‘Fanaticism’ and State Violence in British India” by Elizabeth Kolsky (American Historical Review, 2015)

“Looking beyond Mau Mau: Archiving Violence in the Era of Decolonization” by Caroline Elkins (American Historical Review, 2015)