Published Date

January 1, 2014

Resource Type

For Departments, Program of Study

AHA Topics

Academic Departmental Affairs, Teaching & Learning, The History Major, Undergraduate Education

This resource was developed as part of the AHA’s Tuning project.

By Nancy Quam-Wickham

Institution: California State University, Long Beach
Degree Name: Bachelor of Arts in History
Location: Long Beach, CA
Year: 2014


Purpose of the Degree

The BA (general) degree is designed as a standard liberal arts degree for students interested in pursuing undergraduate studies in History. It is the degree of choice for students not intending to enter the secondary teaching credential program.

Characteristics of the Program

The primary focus is on historical thinking skills and practices. Students are expected to develop mastery of skills in research, analysis and writing, as well as knowledge of interpretive practices. Students must complete course work in methods, theory, and historical writing, as well as in geographic and chronological content areas.

Career Pathways for the Graduate

Museum studies, business, graduate studies, health care, policing and criminal justice, law, journalism and writing.

Educational Style

Face to face traditional classroom setting; internships; hybrid courses (limited).

Program Competencies and Outcomes

Upon completing the BA in History, individuals will be able to demonstrate the following:

  1. An understanding of the discipline of history and its methods, including such concepts as causality, conceptualization, and contextualization, as well as the role of theoretical advances within the discipline.
  2. An understanding of the major trends of historical knowledge of at least two content subfields, and the relations between subfields within the larger context of global change.
  3. The facility to conduct research in both primary and secondary resources.
  4. Mastery of advanced analytical skills, including the ability to formulate historical questions, determine bias, express original arguments about the past, and evaluate and interpret various types of evidence.
  5. Familiarity with basic mechanical skills of writing and analysis, including computer literacy and other skills appropriate to the discipline.
  6. Proficiency in presentation skills, including professionalism, facility with PowerPoint or other techniques of audio and visual content delivery, and the ability to construct an organized and coherent verbal presentation directed to appropriate audience levels.