
The 129th annual meeting was held in the New York Hilton Midtown and New York Sheraton Times Square on January 2–5, 2015. The theme of the 2015 meeting was “History and the Other Disciplines.” The AHA was joined by 87 affiliate organizations, and distinguished scholars spoke at approximately 495 sessions in the course of these four days. Nearly 5,500 scholars attended the meeting.

Highlights from this meeting included expanded digital history offerings, such as the workshop on “Getting Started in Digital History,” as well as two lightning round sessions. The AHA also doubled the number of poster presentations since the 2014 annual meeting. Participants from the Bridging Cultures project met for the last time at this meeting, as did participants of the Tuning project. The AHA’s Career Diversity initiative also hosted several exciting professional development events. These included “Interviewing in the 21st Century,” a workshop in which early-career historians and grad students met with a variety of history professionals to get interviewing advice; many of thise were historians working outside the academy. Career Diversity also hosted the Career Fair, which gave graduate students the opportunity to chat with historians working in a variety of different professions.

Awards and honors were announced Friday, January 2, followed by the plenary session, which covered the recent New York Public Library controversy. 2015 AHA president Jan Goldstein delivered the Presidential Address on Saturday, January 3; it is available for viewing online. The address was titled “Toward an Empirical History of Moral Thinking: The Case of Racial Theory in Mid-Nineteenth-Century France.” Goldstein handed the AHA gavel over to 2016 president Vicki Ruiz at the business meeting, held on Sunday, January 5.