News & Announcements
AHA Advocacy
The American Historical Association is unique among history organizations with the breadth and depth of our advocacy efforts.

Members Making News
Members Making News highlights the accomplishments of AHA members.

For the Press
The AHA is pleased to speak with and provide resources for journalists and the media.
Latest News
February 6, 2025
AHA Executive Director Co-Authors New Republic Article on “Radical Indoctrination” Executive Order
AHA executive director James Grossman, David W. Blight (Yale Univ. and president, Organization of American Historians), and Organization of American…

June 17, 2001
Resolution on the Smithsonian Institution

June 17, 2001
Resolution on the Michael Bellesiles Case

June 17, 2001
Resolution on Part-Time and Adjunct Employees
American Lesson Plan: Teaching US History in Secondary Schools
The AHA’s 2024 report shares findings from the most comprehensive study of secondary US history education undertaken in the 21st century. The report provides empirical evidence and rigorous analysis to inform current debates over how history is taught in our schools.
American Historical Review
History's Journal of Record
The AHR has served as the journal of record for the historical discipline in the United States since 1895. It is the leading global forum for new scholarship in every major field of historical study across time and space. The AHR publishes field transforming articles and contributions that reimagine historical practice and teaching. From traditional articles to innovative digital media, we welcome submissions that spark scholarly conversations.

How to Submit
The AHR publishes field transforming articles and contributions that reimagine historical practice and teaching. From traditional articles to innovative digital media, we welcome submissions that spark scholarly conversations.

AHR History Lab
The AHR History Lab is a new, experimental space in the middle of the journal featuring collective projects that seek to reimagine how we approach historical practice in terms of content, form, and method.

The #AHRSyllabus is a collaborative project designed to help teachers and students look "under the hood" at how historians in the early 21st century do the work of history. Each contribution to the syllabus will feature a practical hands-on teaching module that foregrounds innovative uses of historical method in the classroom.
Perspectives on History
About the Newsmagazine
Perspectives on History is the newsmagazine of the AHA and is the principal source for news and information about the discipline of history. Since 1962, Perspectives has promoted our work by publishing articles and commentary on all aspects of the historical discipline.
AHA Booklets
The AHA publishes booklets that address a diversity of topics to serve the needs of history students and historians in all professions. Our publications include career advice for history graduates, overviews and syntheses of current historical topics and fields, and guides to teaching and learning in history.
History in Focus
About the Podcast
History in Focus is a podcast by the American Historical Review. Go behind the scenes with the world's leading history journal as we explore the who, what, how, and why of doing history in the 21st century.
Permission to Use AHA Copyrighted Material
All material published by the American Historical Association in any medium is protected by copyright. Read our policies about using and reproducing our publications.
AHA Data & Reports

Data on the Historical Discipline
The AHA collects and shares data on topics ranging from employment, to public engagement with history, to the use of educational resources in the classroom, and more.

AHA Historical Collections
From annual reports going back to 1889 to committee reports to primary source collections, the AHA shares documents on the history of the discipline.
AHA Reads
In our busy lives, it can be difficult to find time to read for fun—or to read at all! Yet one of the most enjoyable parts of our work as historians is reading scholarship about the past and discussing that work with others. The AHA encourages the reading of history with periodic reading challenges.