Call for Submissions | Parker-Schmitt Dissertation Award

Event Details

End: August 1, 2022

The European History Section of the Southern Historical Association is pleased to announce the biennial competition for the Parker-Schmitt Dissertation Award. Named for Harold Parker, long-time professor of French history at Duke University, and Hans Schmitt, who taught German history at several institutions before completing his career at the University of Virginia, the Award is given in even–numbered years to the best Ph.D. dissertation in European history nominated by a faculty member at a Southern university (the term "Southern" should be broadly construed) or by a member of the European History Section.

The award of $250 will be presented at the EHS luncheon at the SHA meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, this November. Eligible dissertations must have been defended between 1 August 2020 and 31 July 2022. Criteria for selection include quality and originality of research, new and stimulating interpretations and insights, and literary quality.

Recommendations of eligible theses should be sent to the chair of the committee by 1 August 2022. Recommenders are also responsible for ensuring that each committee member receives the dissertation itself via email by that date.


2022 Parker-Schmitt Dissertation Award Committee

Chair: Michele Strong

Department of History, University of South Alabama


Aaron Gillette

Department of History, Humanities and Languages, University of Houston-Downtown


Kelly A. Kolar

Department of History, Middle Tennessee State University