Ordenes Españolas History Award

Event Details

End: February 28, 2020
Contact: info@premioordenesespanolas.com
More Info: https://xn--premioordenesespaolas-sbc.es/en/award-bases/

Premio Ordenes Españolas is pleased to announce the History Award Premio Ordenes Españolas. The International History Award that calls its 3rd edition aims is to distinguish the History researcher from any country in the world whose research has achieved general recognition for the importance of the studies, the rigor documenting his/her work, and whose work or any part thereof has relationship with the Hispanic world and its projection.  The award is endowed with 60.000 Euros

The Award shall consist of an accrediting diploma, a commemorative medal and 60,000 Euros.

Candidatures must be sent with the title “Premio Ordenes Españolas”, either in Spanish or English, by e-mail to info@premioordenesespanolas.com or by courier/mail to Plaza de las Comendadoras, 10– 28.015 Madrid, Spain. Deadline February 28th, 2020.