Archives Unleashed Datathon Call for Proposals

Event Details

End: November 1, 2019
More Info:

The World Wide Web has had a profound impact on how we research and understand the past. The sheer amount of cultural information that is generated and, crucially, preserved every day in electronic form, presents exciting new opportunities for researchers. Much of this information is captured within web archives.

The project team invites archivists, researchers (from the humanities, social sciences, and beyond), librarians, computer scientists, and web archiving enthusiasts to join us over the course of two days to collaboratively work with web collections and explore cutting-edge research tools through hands-on experience.

The Archives Unleashed Team has partnered with Columbia University Libraries to host the fourth Archives Unleashed datathon.


Those interested in participating should submit the following to the Archives Unleashed Team ( by midnight Eastern Standard Time on 1 November 2019:

  • a 250-word expression of interest;
  • a short one-page CV; and
  • Indication of need for financial assistance to travel to event (if applicable)

This expression of interest should address your background and interests in web archiving, and what you would hope to get out of working with tools and web archive data at scale.