G.C. Henderson Research Fellowship

Event Details

End: July 6, 2019
Contact: frances.clarke@sydney.edu.au

This fellowship is open to students in anthropology, archaeology (prehistoric and historical) or history whose research focuses on communities in Polynesia, Melanesia or Micronesia.

Applicants for this fellowship first need to enrol for either an MA (Research) or PhD at the University of Sydney, Australia in one of the three fields above.

Applicants must have completed their undergraduate degree or equivalent within four years or less at the time of application, in addition to having completed some coursework in anthropology. They will be expected to conduct at least three months of on-site research in their subject community.

Successful applicants who are enrolled in the MA (Research) program will receive an RTP (Research Training Program) stipend for 1.75 years, which covers the costs of most university fees in addition to living expenses, while those enrolled in the PhD program will receive an RTP stipend for 2 years, with the ability to apply for an additional RTP funding to cover the additional 1.5 years (the expected length of time for an Australian PhD being 3.5 years). The amount of RTP stipends vary, and can be provided upon request.

In addition, the G.C. Henderson Research Fellowship provides relocation and living expenses for the recipient to conduct research in Polynesia, Melanesia or Micronesia—which may include the cost of moving a family or paying for childcare while undertaking overseas research.

For the full terms and conditions, please see here:


Questions about this fellowship can be directed to the following:

For students in history, Professor Nicholas Eckstein: Nicholas.eckstein@sydney.edu.au

For students in anthropology, Dr. Terry Woronov: terry.woronov@sydney.edu.au

For students in archaeology: Professor Roland Fletcher: roland.fletcher@sydney.edu.au

There is a closing date for the first round of this fellowship of March 18, 2019 but a second round closing date for the first week of July. This fellowship will also be offered each year, and you are welcome to inquire now if you hope to submit a later application.