Hench Post-Dissertation Fellowship

Event Details

End: October 15, 2017
Contact: cmcrell@mwa.org
More Info: http://www.americanantiquarian.org/hench.htm

The purpose of the post-dissertation fellowship is to provide the recipient with time and resources to extend research and/or to revise the dissertation for publication. Any topic relevant to the Society's library collections and programmatic scope--that is, American history and culture through 1876--is eligible.


Applicants may come from such fields as history, literature, American studies, political science, art history, music history, and others relating to America in the period of the Society's coverage. The Society welcomes applications from those who have advance book contracts, as well as those who have not yet made contact with a publisher. The twelve-month stipend for this fellowship is $35,000.


Information can be found below and on the website:
