Current Research in Digital History

Event Details

End: September 29, 2017
More Info:

March 17, 2018 — George Mason University, Arlington, VA


The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media invites submissions for the first annual Current Research in Digital History conference. Submissions should offer historical arguments and interpretations rather than showcase digital projects. We anticipate that the format of short presentations will provide an opportunity to make arguments on the basis of ongoing research in larger projects. Graduate students are encouraged to submit proposals. Some travel funding is available. Presentations will be peer-reviewed and published in an online publication that accommodates dynamic visualizations and narrative.


Submissions due: September 29, 2017. E-mail submissions as a PDF or URL to <>

Format: Each presentation will be 10 minutes in length. Proposals must include the full text (no more than 2000 words) and accompanying visualizations or websites to be presented. Papers can include multiple authors. Submissions can be either a single presentation or a session of two presentations. Proposals may suggest a commentator but are not obliged to. (Session commentators will receive an honorarium of $100 and have their registration fee waived.)

Theme: The theme for 2018 is the history of slavery. One track of three sessions (a total of 6 presentations) will focus on this topic.