The Alfred D. Chandler Jr. Travel Fellowships

Event Details

End: November 1, 2016
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The purpose of this fellowship is to facilitate library and archival research in business or economic history. Individual grants range from $1,000 to $3,000. Three categories of applicants will be eligible for grants: 1) Harvard University graduate students in history, economics, or business administration, whose research requires travel to distant archives or repositories; 2) graduate students or nontenured faculty in those fields from other universities, in the U.S. and abroad, whose research requires travel to Baker Library and other local archives; and 3) Harvard College undergraduates writing senior theses in these fields whose research requires travel away from Cambridge.

To apply, send a CV, a summary of past academic research (of 1-2 pages), and a detailed description of the research you wish to undertake (of 2-3 pages). Applicants must indicate the amount of money requested (up to $3,000). Please also arrange to have one letter of reference sent independently of the application. The deadline for receipt of applications is November 1 of the calendar year preceding that in which the fellowship is to be used. All materials should be sent to Walter A. Friedman, Connell 301A, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA 02163. E-mail: