20th Annual ESMOAS Conference on Inter-American Relations

Event Details

End: November 5, 2016
Contact: moascentral@gmail.com
More Info: www.esmoas.org/academic-conference.html

In conjunction with the 20th Annual Eugene Scassa Mock Organization of American States Conference and Competition, the ESMOAS Faculty Steering Committee is now accepting papers for our first annual academic conference on Inter-American relations, to be held at Texas State University on November 3-5, 2016.  The conference is open to presenters at the undergraduate, graduate, and faculty level.  Please submit (via our website) your abstract on any subject related to the subject of Inter-American political or cultural relations before June 20, 2016.  After approval of your abstract, your full paper (of no more than 25 pages) must be submitted by October 7, 2016 to moascentral@gmail.com.  After that time, you will be assigned a panel and a presentation time.