AHA Offers Relief for Unemployed/Underemployed Members (August 2020)

To assist un/underemployed historians who have been financially affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, the AHA has established the Historians Relief Fund, which will provide $500 emergency grants to AHA members that can be used to cover a loss of income related to the crisis.

Applications are due August 31, and recipients will be selected by lottery. To apply for this funding, AHA members can log into their MY AHA page at historians.org/myaha and click “Available Awards” in the Awards, Grants, and Fellowships section. 

The AHA will continue to solicit donations to the Historians Relief Fund and plans to hold an additional lottery selection in late November, pending the availability of funds. Note to applicants: If you are not selected in the September lottery your application will be held over for the November drawing. If your employment situation changes so that you become ineligible, please let us know.