The AHA annual meeting is the largest gathering of historians from across the discipline, and it offers many opportunities to build a professional network, enhance teaching skills, learn about the latest research, and participate in discussions about issues affecting the discipline. The AHA offers grants to help graduate students, early career and un/underemployed historians, and community college and public high school faculty attend the annual meeting. Only AHA members are eligible to apply.

The application deadline is November 15. To apply, log into your MY AHA account at and click “Available Awards” in the AHA Awards, Grants, and Jobs section.


Childcare Grants

AHA members only. The Association offers 10 grants of up to $250 to assist AHA members who have childcare costs during the meeting. The grants are intended to help offset the cost of child care, enabling attendees with dependent children to attend the meeting. History graduates students, early career historians, and contingent faculty are eligible; priority will go to those who are on the program.

AHA Council Annual Meeting Travel Grants

AHA members only. In 2015, the AHA Council established a fund to subsidize graduate student attendance at the AHA annual meeting and expanded the program to include un/underemployed historians in 2020. Applicants in any major or minor field, regardless of participation in the meeting program, will be considered. Grant amounts are recommended annually by the executive director based on the fund balance and range between $200–$400. Applications are accepted each fall. See the list of past recipients.

Jerry Bentley World History Travel Grants

AHA members only. The Jerry Bentley World History Travel Grants are awarded annually to support travel to the AHA annual meeting for graduate students who include world history among their major or minor fields of academic study. Grantees enrolled at a university in the state of Hawaii will receive twice the standard grant amount. Grant amounts are recommended annually by the executive director based on the fund balance and range between $200–$400. Preference will be given to those who have previously applied but not received an award. Applications are accepted each fall.

Dorothy Rosenberg Phi Beta Kappa Annual Meeting Travel Grants

AHA members only. Established in 2013 at the bequest of Dorothy Rosenberg and in collaboration with the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the Dorothy Rosenberg Phi Beta Kappa Annual Meeting Travel Grants are awarded annually to help defray travel expenses incurred by graduate students attending the annual meeting. Graduate student applicants in any major or minor field, regardless of participation in the meeting program, will be considered. Successful applicants will be awarded travel subsidies between $200-$400. Preference will be given to those who have previously applied but not received an award.

National Institute of Social Sciences Annual Meeting Travel Grants

AHA members only. Established in 2019 by the members of the National Institute of Social Sciences, the National Institute of Social Sciences Annual Meeting Travel Grants are awarded to help defray travel expenses incurred by graduate students attending the AHA annual meeting. Graduate student applicants in any major or minor field of history will be considered. Successful applicants will be awarded travel subsidies between $200-$400. Preference will be given to graduate students participating in the meeting program. Applications are accepted each fall.

James G. Stofer Annual Meeting Travel Grants

AHA members only. Established in 2022, the James G. Stofer Fund provides grants to support the participation of community college and public high school teachers in AHA activities and programs. Community college and public high school faculty applicants, who are members of the Association, will be considered for the Stofer Annual Meeting Travel Grants, regardless of participation in the program. Successful applicants will be awarded travel subsidies of up to $400 each.