Submissions Are Closed

Deadline: November 15, 2025

Award Type

Travel Grant

In 2015, the AHA Council established a fund to subsidize graduate student attendance at the AHA annual meeting and expanded the program to include un/underemployed historians in 2020. Applicants in any major or minor field of study, regardless of participation in the meeting program, will be considered. Grant amounts are recommended annually by the executive director based on the fund balance and typically range from $200–$400. The application deadline is November 15.



Only graduate student members and un/underemployed members of the Association are eligible to apply for the AHA Council Annual Meeting Travel Grants. Please note: No individual is eligible to receive more than one travel grant. Preference will be given to those who have previously applied but not received an award.

Application Process

Log into your MY AHA account at Click “Available Application Forms” in the AHA Awards, Grants, and Jobs section. Select the “AHA Council Annual Meeting Travel Grants” link.

  1. Fill in the application form, which includes your contact information and a statement describing how you would benefit from attending the annual meeting.
  2. Upload an Application Packet as a single PDF. Include the following document:
    • CV (up to 2 pages)
  3. Letters of recommendation are NOT required.

Selection Process

Recipients will be selected by lottery, and successful applicants will be notified by email in early December. Please, no phone calls.


After the annual meeting, successful applicants will be expected to write a 250-word reflection on a session they attended. Reflections should not be a summary but rather a provocative and interesting reaction.

Award Distribution

Grantees will receive payments after submitting travel receipts and a 250-word reflection on a session attended at the meeting.

For questions, please contact the Prize Administrator.