Do you accept proposals for individual papers?
The Program Committee cannot accept single paper proposals. The committee accepts proposals for single, individual poster presentations. We maintain a public collaborators spreadsheet to help scholars find potential panelists to create a session.
Can a panelist participate remotely?
The AHA does not allow presentation via Skype or Zoom, as the WiFi bandwidth in the hotels will not support videoconferencing. We also find that it detracts from the experience for attendees, due to issue with sound quality and connectivity. We do, however, allow presentations in absentia. Panelists may have the option to prerecord a presentation to be played during the session (pending availability of equipment). Panelists may also elect to have another panelist read their presentation.
How many presenters may appear on a session?
To assure substantial time for interaction between speakers and audience, panels are normally limited to a maximum of four participants and a chair. Formal sessions sometimes have both a chair and commenter. Panels that exceed six total presenters must be submitted as experimental sessions. The abstract should specify how the speakers plan to ensure ample time for discussion.
Can one person appear on multiple proposals?
Yes. The annual meeting guidelines stipulate that participants may appear on no more than two sessions, in two different roles. The Program Committee will ask those accepted for more than two roles on two sessions to step down from one.
What are the membership and registration requirements for all presenters?
On sessions accepted by the AHA Program Committee, all historians based in the United States are required to be current members of the Association. Scholars outside the US and those from other disciplines are exempt from the membership requirement. Everyone on the program, including chairs and commentators, must register for the annual meeting when registration opens.
How do I propose several linked sessions?
Select “Submit a Multisession Workshop” and follow the instructions provided. Organizers will be prompted to enter a title for the series. The Program Committee will judge each session on its own merits and may elect to accept only part of a proposed set of linked sessions.
How do I indicate that my proposal is joint with an affiliated society?
Organizers of joint sessions should use the link on the submission page to indicate the affiliate sponsoring the proposal. Submitters must have permission from the division, committee, or affiliated society to indicate co-sponsorship.
Do I need to include an abstract for each presentation on a roundtable?
Please include an abstract or brief description to give the Program Committee a sense of what each panelist will talk about.
How do I enter multiple authors for a presentation?
To add coauthors to presentations, click the name in the “Speaker” column for that presentation and follow the prompts for adding a new person.
How do I list the same individual for two roles, such as chair and commentator?
If the same individual will serve as chair and commentator, check both boxes when adding their name to the proposal.
Are organizers listed in the program?
Organizers serve as the principle point of contact for a session but are not listed in the meeting program. Organizers are free to serve in other roles, such as chair or panelist, which will be listed.
Do you provide AV equipment for sessions?
The AHA will provide a lectern and microphone as needed in session rooms. Presenters who need an LCD projector must request one when submitting their proposal. Projector packages include a screen and standard HDMI connection. Presenters may also request an audio connection for playing sound recordings. Presenters must supply their own laptop computers; Mac users should also bring an HDMI connector.
How do I propose a film screening?
Submit a proposal for an experimental session and explain in the description that the session will take the form of a film screening followed by a discussion. Most film screenings have at least one chair to facilitate discussion; other discussants may be listed as panelists.
When will I know whether my proposal has been accepted?
The Program Committee will notify session organizers of its decisions via email in mid- to late May.
When will accepted sessions be scheduled?
Participants on accepted panels are expected to be available for all session slots, to the extent practicable. We can accommodate schedule requests based on religious practice, teaching schedules, ADA requests, and other obligations, which should be submitted with the proposal.
Does the AHA offer grants for foreign scholars to attend the annual meeting?
Not specifically, though we do offer grants for graduate student, early career, un/underemployed and community college and public high school faculty to attend the meeting. Only AHA members are eligible to apply.