Affiliated society sessions and events are subject to the Code of Professional Conduct at Officially Sanctioned AHA Activities and the Statement on Standards of Professional Conduct. The Program Committee will apply the same criteria to proposals for joint sessions sponsored by the AHA and affiliates that it applies to all other proposals. Affiliate sessions should reflect the diversity and other guidelines outlined in the Annual Meeting Guidelines.


Meeting Room Use

Due to the limited availability of meeting space and the large number of affiliates, the Association reserves the right to set limitations or assess fees on usage of meeting space by affiliates. The AHA, in consultation with its affiliates, has established this process to distribute resources and organize a productive meeting that works for everyone.

We charge affiliates per session scheduled in one of the 12 official session slots. Affiliates may use no more than 4 rooms per time slot, or a maximum of 48 sessions that are not co-sponsored by the AHA Program Committee scheduled at peak times. Affiliates submitting fewer than 12 sessions are encouraged to make use of all available time slots.

Although we do our best to accommodate affiliate scheduling requests, due to limited space at the venue, not every affiliate will receive its first-choice time slots.

There will be no charge for events scheduled in off-peak times that do not overlap with the official session slots, as such sessions do not require extra rooms. Affiliates may schedule such sessions and meetings concurrent with the AHA presidential address.

Memorandum of Understanding

A memorandum of understanding is provided to participating affiliates each year.

Each affiliated society is responsible for all organizational and financial details for meeting activities and for keeping the AHA informed of its plans.

Housing Block

Attendees are expected to reserve guest rooms through the AHA housing blockNo affiliate may negotiate a separate housing block. It is vital that all affiliates convey the importance of supporting the housing block to their members. Our track record in this area helps us to secure space for future meetings. We can provide text that affiliates can customize and distribute to members.


Everyone on the annual meeting program, whether on a session accepted by the AHA Program Committee or an affiliated society session, is required to register for the conference. Historians based in the United States on sessions accepted by the AHA Program Committee are required to be AHA members. Participants on affiliated society sessions are not required to be AHA members. There is a discounted registration rate for nonmember speakers.

To minimize confusion for attendees, affiliates are not permitted to operate separate registration tables.

The AHA will sell tickets for affiliate events at no cost to the affiliate. Contact for more information.

Audiovisual Equipment

Affiliates will be responsible for the cost of any audiovisual equipment for sessions not joint with the AHA Program Committee at the discounted rate negotiated by the AHA.

Meeting venues charge for anything in a meeting room beyond chairs and a lectern or headtable, including electrical access. There is an additional fee for labor (which equals or exceeds the cost of the equipment itself). Charges are per room, per day. We wish AV costs were lower and negotiate to the best of our ability with providers.

Affiliates may elect not to order any AV equipment in which case they should notify participants on their sessions that equipment will not be available.


Affiliate events are part of the AHA meeting. We therefore ask affiliates not to refer to meeting “in conjunction with” or “in the same hotel as” the AHA annual meeting. We much appreciate the general sense among affiliates that this principle is important to maintain and articulate.

Affiliates benefit from the Association’s marketing efforts, and we are happy to publicize your participation in the annual meeting through our various channels. Please contact if you have questions or ideas for joint marketing.