150th Anniversary of Robert E. Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox

Event Details

End: April 9, 2015
Contact: zyq0907@gmail.com

Come out and join us to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of Robert E. Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox to Ulysses S. Grant. This will be a free two day program brought to you by the staff and volunteers of the National Park Service!


Day 1 – Saturday, April 4, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Enjoy a wonderful spring evening of music and dancing while seeing the skyline of Washington lit up! There will be a special walking tour to the graves of Union officers who were present at the surrender. You will be able to learn dance steps of the period with the Arlington House Victorian Dance Society. Also, take advantage of a rare opportunity to tour the mansion by lamplight. Reservation needed.


Day 2 – Thursday, April 9, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Enjoy a performance of the nation’s preeminent Civil War era brass band, the Federal City Brass Band, and learn about the surrender from a park ranger. The program will take place at exactly the time the surrender took place 150 years ago.


Location: The Robert E. Lee Memorial, Arlington House