Student-Generated Charts

View the results as word count and graphically as a percentage of the total text:

George Washington’s Farewell Address 1796 (total word count 6,091; pages 20). These words appear:

Nation: 48 Power: 17 Constitution: 9 Duty: 7 Strength: 4
Government: 38 Foreign: 15 Patriot: 9 Friend: 6 Trust: 3
Interest: 23 Liberty: 15 Peace: 9 The people: 6 Election: 3
Country: 21 Free: 11 Citizen: 8 Respect: 5 Individual: 3
Public: 20 Just: 15 Serve: 8 Patriotism: 4 Collective: 1

James Monroe's Doctrine (total word count 959; pages 2). These words appear:

Power: 13 Interest: 5 Independent: 2 Just: 2
Government: 12 Friend: 5 Nation: 2 Citizen: 2
United States: 9 War: 4 Peace: 2 Trust: 2
Europe: 6 Respect: 3 Defense: 2 The people: 1

Dwight Eisenhower's speech on the military-industrial complex (total word count 1,863; pages 6). These words appear:

Nation: 17 Citizen: 4 Liberty: 3 Trust: 2
Peace: 11 Power: 4 Public: 3 Strength: 2
Military: 9 Complex: 3 Democracy: 3 Individual: 1
Government: 7 Country: 3 Respect: 3  Serve: 1
Free: 7 Industrial: 3 Political: 2 The People: 1

Nikita Khrushchev's Secret Speech (total word count 23,694; pages 87). These words appear:

Party: 319 Cult: 52 Public: 15 Collective: 12 Foreign: 7
Stalin: 277 Communist: 45 Just: 14 The people: 12 Democracy: 5
Lenin: 143 Individual: 32 Interest: 14 Working class: 10 Peace: 4
Comrade: 65 Marx: 23 Socialism: 14 Peasant: 10 Citizen: 3
Nation: 59 Government: 20 Crime: 13 Power: 9 Constitution: 1

View these as graphic display of textual analyses:

Note the difference between viewing the data as a percentage of the frequency of words versus a simple count of the words.

Percentage of Frequency of Words in the Speeches

Graph 1

Simple Count of Words in Speeches

Graph 2