Capt. Fox and Fort Sumter

Boston Daily Courier, March 29, 1861

One of the most sensible, prudent, and praiseworthy acts of the government of the United States, which has come under our observation, for a long time, is that of sending Captain G. V. Fox, formerly of Massachusetts, on a secret mission of observation to Fort Sumter, to ascertain and report, from actual personal inspection, the practicability of reinforcing that fortress, as well as the present ability of Major Anderson to sustain himself and his men within its walls. It is unnecessary for us to say to those at all acquainted with Captain Fox, that no gentleman could have been selected for such a delicate and important service, whose report would have been considered more entirely reliable. Captain Fox was for many years an officer of the United States Navy, in which, it is honor enough to say, he maintained the highest rank among those gallant men, who have so nobly sustained their country’s flag and their country’s rights, wherever the stars and stripes have been thrown to the breeze. During his term of service in the navy, he was for a time attached to the coast survey, and made himself familiar with the harbors, lighthouses and fortifications, all along our extended coast. While a Lieutenant, he was detailed by the Secretary of the Navy to the command of one of the mail steamers, which ply between New York and Aspinwall. Occasionally he relieved other officers, by taking the command of steamers, from New York to New Orleans by way of Cuba. So that perhaps no man could have been found by the government, more competent to the service, so far as geographical knowledge is concerned. In addition to his other qualifications, the public will have more confidence in the report of Captain Fox, because he is not in any manner connected with the political parties of the day, and because he is a man of keen and close observation, cool judgment, acknowledged talents and of strict integrity of character.

How fortunate it would be for the interests, for the peace and the future happiness of the country, if cutting loose from all ambitious politicians, all fanatical theorists, President Lincoln’s administration would always rely, in the present critical condition of the country, upon the good sense, the plain practical experience, the intelligence, ability and integrity of such men as Captain Fox.