We give up as much room as we can to the war news of the day. The battle has begun, and God only knows when it will end. War with “his grim visaged front” and all its attendant horrors is upon us.—The abolition party of the land are responsible for the calamity. They are the ones on whose heads should be visited the fierce furies of popular indignation. ABRAHAM LINCOLN has done the deed that all good men must regret. He has laid his impious hands upon the best Government man was ever blessed with. By his touch the Union crumbles to pieces. By his orders civil war is inaugurated; brother made to fight against brother; and he is but the embodiment of the party he leads. When such men as SEWARD and CHASE and WADE and GIDDINGS and GREELY control the Administration, what can we expect?

LINCOLN, to all appearances an imbecile old ignoramus, is an instrument in the hands of bad men to destroy the Union.—Everything he touches withers and crumbles away like the sensitive plant from the touch of mortal. Yet we have been told by these Republicans, there was no danger. The second Washington would make all right, and he told us nobody was hurt. Commerce is stagnated, industry paralyzed; in short, everything is prostrated, and nobody is hurt. A great sage is this LINCOLN! Now he imbrues his hands in the blood of his countrymen, and calls for seventy-five thousand abolition cohorts to help him carry devastation and carnage among our Southern brethren; and Governor MORTON, the coward at heart, aids and abets him. Indiana is called upon for six Regiments of volunteers, amounting to about six thousand troops, to go South and fight the men whose ancestors came to the wilds of Indiana, and protected us from the tomahawk and scalping knife. We are asked to forget Jo DAVIESS and his noble men, whose bones lie sleeping at Tippecanoe, where they gave up their lives to save our people. We are asked to fight the friends, relatives and neighbors of WASHINGTON, HENRY, JACKSON and JEFFERSON. We are bid by abolition leaders to plunge the bayonet to the hearts of our best friends, and make carnage and distress on every hand and side.

Men of Washington county, will you do it? Will you imbrue your hands in the blood of your friends? Will you wage war upon your kinsman? No, you never will. Your hearts beat responsive to the “rights of the South,” and of her heroic sons.—You cannot be base enough to do so horrid and damnable an act. You could not degrade yourselves by so ungrateful a course, and if you could, you would be deserving the scorn and contempt of the world; and should be held up as a worse than Judas Iscarriot . As for ourselves we say openly and boldly, come life or death, come weal or woe, we never will raise our hands or pay one farthing to aid in the ungodly act of waging a war upon the Southern people, who demand their rights, and nothing more. May our arm be palsied before we ever attempt the act. We go a step further, and say we do not desire trouble in Indiana, and that we believe no one except hot headed fools do, but we never want to see men mustering in old Washington to fight our friends, for we have no doubt serious trouble would be the consequence.