Since the election, we have conversed with prominent and intelligent men, from various sections of the State, and of all political proclivities, none of whom but coincide in the opinion, that the Union must, shall, and will be preserved. And we believe that the universal feeling which actuates the people of California, is indicative of that entertained by the masses of the citizens of this great Confederacy. Let the result of this Presidential contest be what it may, not the slightest apprehension need be felt of a disruption of the Union..
A close and careful scrutiny of the journals of the southern States is only required to convince every reasonable man, that the seceding element in that section is confined, almost altogether, to disappointed office-seekers, and men of very small intellectual calibre, who have everything to gain and nothing to lose by a dissolution of the Union.
The planters and property owners generally, in the South, are perfectly well aware that it is for their pecuniary interest to commit no overt act, which shall tend to the dismemberment of these States. The pocket nerve is the most sensitive, and any movement affecting unfavorably the pecuniary interests of the citizens of Texas, would be as promptly opposed and suppressed there, as the same movement in Maine, or California, would be put down in those States.
All this tirade about secession amounts to nothing. And, as an admirable illustration, just in point, we may cite the recent local election held in New Orleans. The news by the Pony, published elsewhere in this issue of the Alta, informs us that the Unionists triumphed at that election, although the Breckinridge fire-eating Yancey harangued the populace whilst the contest was pending.
The fact, moreover, that the Government ten million loan has been taken, ranging from par to one per cent only, shows conclusively that capitalists have no fear of the stability of the Union.
The friends of Lincoln, furthermore, assert that his conservatism is, beyond all doubt, as great and high toned as can reasonably be required; that he is virtually in favor of the doctrine of popular sovereignty, and of enforcing the Fugitive Slave law; and that all parties will be satisfied with his views on these points before the day of his inauguration.
It is known and admitted, that the two Houses of Congress will be opposed politically to the party of which the President elect (if he be Lincoln) is the champion; and without a majority in both branches of the Legislative department, his hands are virtually tied, and, as the Chief Magistrate of this Republic, will effect little which can be productive of real injury to any portion of the country. How insane and silly, in view of these universally recognized facts, for the sectionalists of the confederacy to reiterate the chronic cry of Disunion, and mount the incendiary cockade, and swear to plant their cannon at the base of Bunker Hill. Our advice to them is to stick to the ancient, National and patriotic motto—”In Union there is strength!”