The crisis which has been so long looked forward to with apprehension by the patriot has at length arrived. A Northern geographical party, completely sectional in every aspect, and largely fanatic in its views and tendencies, has at length succeeded by the numerical force of majorities in electing a President and Vice President. Against all the warnings of the South, and the labors of conservative men in the North, the Republicans have persisted in electing their candidates. Of course this result, looked forward to by many, and by many others not believed possible, has created a profound sensation in the public mind of the South. It has aroused and exasperated our people, that their fellow-citizens in a common country should so far prove untrue to those principles of equality and justice, and those sentiments of patriotic loyalty and fraternity, without which it is impossible that this Republic should continue to exist.After the close of our successful revolutionary struggle, the several States had widely diverse interests and feelings, but it was thought by the patriotic sages of that day that a more perfect Union should be entered into, for the purpose of common defense, and to strengthen the ties which necessarily existed already between those who had been engaged in a common cause. The Constitution of these United States was not the work of an hour, nor a day—it was formed after mature deliberation, by the wisest and best men of that day, and could never have been formed and entered into, except by constantly keeping in view the various interests of all sections, and providing for them justly, and in a spirit of conciliation and mutual good-will.Alas that the day should ever come which sees the decay of those sentiments which actuated the framers of the Constitution. But it is apparent to all men that in place of brotherhood and equity, there is hatred, intolerance, fanaticism and defiance. It is truly deplorable that such a state of things exists, but as it does exist and that by the aggressive and sectional attitude of the North, maintained and exhibited to some extent for years, and now plainly marked by the election of candidates avowedly hostile to the rights, the honor, the interests, the peace, the safety, the tranquillity of one whole section of the Confederacy, it becomes the duty of the minority to consult wisely and well as to what is now their duty. That with the feelings manifested by the election of LINCOLN, and the feelings engendered on the other hand by that election, there can be no peace and good-will between the sections, unless a new order of things arises, seems to admit of no doubt. Without these feelings of mutual good-will and mutual forbearance, and without absolute justice to us on the part of the North, and a full and absolute carrying-out of the compact on her part in all particulars, and the absolute abstaining from every thing which jeopards our peace and security as a community, the Union has failed of the objects for which it was formed.It is very plain that there is now to be a new order of things inaugurated. The North and the South must come fairly and squarely to understand one another, and to learn definitely what each will do. This is a matter which belongs to the people of each Sovereign State, and they will doubtless be called upon speedily to act—each State for itself. There is a community of interest and feeling between the fifteen Southern States, fully as great, perhaps greater, than existed between the original thirteen. The general tone of sentiment among us seems to be, and we think it eminently proper, that each State hold a Convention, and then appoint delegates to a general Convention of all the Southern States, so that they may act with unity and harmony if possible. And therefore, as we are all really one in interest and feeling, however much we may differ in judgment, we would plead for cordial unanimity, and sincere brotherhood among us, discarding all old issues, names and feelings.
Let us have no party spirit any longer, but let us all counsel and consult together for our own and our children’s best interests, call a Convention and elect as delegates to it the wisest, and ablest, and best men we have in each county, and leave to them the consideration of the whole matter. Perish partyism, perish animosities, and let us all together [sic] now for our own beloved Georgia, the noble Empire State. Let us each and all cultivate a cordial regard for our great commonwealth, and avoid every thing which tends in the slightest degree to alienate us from one another. Let us have no strifes and dissensions any longer at home, but all unite for the great purpose of determining what is best to be done in this perilous time. We plead for unanimity among our people, and that is all. Whatever the calm judgment and matured wisdom of our State, in Convention assembled, shall determine upon, will receive our acquiescence, whether or not it conflicts with our own personal views of duty, interest, and necessity.