The leaders of the Submissionists, having so far resisted any action on the part of Kentucky looking to the united action of the South in defense of the common rights against the aggressions of a common enemy, and opposed every proposition to put her in a posture of defense, now, when war is declared and begun, when formidable fleets and large bodies of troops have been sent to inaugurate the work of coercion and subjugation, and when the demand of the President for the largest number of soldiers ever at one time called out in this country is being promptly responded to by the North, have issued a formal appeal to the people of the State to take an independent position!—to array themselves against the Government of the Free States by refusing to obey its requisitions for men and money, and, while thus making enemies of one entire section, to cut themselves off from the sympathy, friendship, and assistance of the other!

We know the courage of our people, their capacity of endurance, the extent of their patriotism, their willingness to make any sacrifice that may be demanded for the public good; but it is suicidal madness, without any gleam of sanity or show of reason, to ask the State to surround herself with enemies, to drive off those whose interests and safety are linked with hers, to deprive herself of any communication with the seaboard, to isolate herself from the world, while on the right and on the left, in front and rear, thirty millions of people are engaged in bloody strife!

These men and their associates prevented any appropriations by the last Legislature to arm the State and equip her militia.

While the note of preparation was heard in every State, and the distant thunder indicated the approaching storm, they were recreant to the obligations they owed the people, and through their efforts the Commonwealth is left without the means to equip a single regiment for service!

She is thus, thanks to them, in no condition to maintain an independent position, if otherwise it were proper or right!

We give the following extract from an address to the people of Kentucky issued yesterday morning by the “Union State Central Committee”

What the future duty of Kentucky may be, we of course, cannot with certainty foresee; but, if the enterprise announced in the Proclamation of the President should at any time hereafter assume the aspect of a war for the overrunning and subjugation of the seceding States through the full assertion therein of the national jurisdiction by a standing military force, we do not hesitate to say that Kentucky should promptly unsheath her sword in behalf of what will have then become the common cause. Such an event, if it should occur, of which we confess there does not appear to us to be a rational probability, could have but one meaning—a meaning which a people jealous of their liberty would be keen to detect, and which a people worthy of liberty would be prompt and fearless to resist. When Kentucky detects this meaning in the action of the Government, she ought, without counting the cost, to take up arms at once against the Government. Until she does detect this meaning, she ought to hold herself independent of both sides, and compel both sides to respect the inviolability of her soil. The portentous meaning in question is not discernible at this time, and we believe it never will become discernible. We, however, have deemed it fit, in consideration of all the extraordinary features of the time, to anticipate this possible contingency.

According to these wise men, the sending of a powerful fleet of armed ships to the South, the transportation of thousands of regular soldiers to the shores of the Confederate States, and the preparation to send seventy-five thousand Abolition volunteers to coerce four millions of our brethren into obedience, not to the Constitution and laws enacted under it, but to a Government that has subverted the Constitution and destroyed the Union, is not “a war for the overrunning and subjugation of the seceding States!” What is it then? If it is not attempted coercion, what is it?

Is it possible that any man, any body of men, in this State, really believes that “the enterprise announced in the proclamation of the President” has not “assumed the aspect of a war for the overrunning and subjugation of the seceded States?”

And yet this is the position taken by the “Union State Central Committee of Kentucky!”

But it is a position that will be scouted by the whole people of the State—a position untenable and palpably absurd!

No! The enterprise announced in the proclamation of the President, has “assumed the aspect of a war for the overrunning and subjugation of the seceded States”—it is a war for the enslavement of the people of the South—it is a conflict which unites the Slave States in a “common cause”—it is an act of armed, unauthorized, and unprovoked aggression “which people worthy of liberty would be prompt and fearless to resist”—and the time has come when Kentucky “ought, without counting the cost, to take up arms” with the other slaveholding States to maintain her sovereignty, to defend the rights of her citizens, and to preserve their liberties!

And yet these men, who advised delay and inaction while the North were arming for the conflict; who objected when it was proposed to place the State in a defensive condition; who cried out against “precipitation” when it was suggested that the whole question should be submitted to the people for decision; now, while the Free States are collecting their legions, burnishing their guns, sharpening their swords, molding bullets, and organizing vast armies with which to attempt to “overrun and subjugate” the South, and after hostilities have actually commenced, still insult the intelligence and spirit of the people by crying peace, peace, and advise “a little more slumber, a little more folding of the arms to sleep!”

Great God! is there to be no end to this folly?

Is this madness still to rule where reason should reign?

Is the advice of this committee to be followed, and Kentucky so to be thrust, all unarmed, unprepared, and defenseless, into the “jaws of death,” “into the gates of hell”?

People of Kentucky! every act of these men since the 6th day of November last has tended to humiliate you.

Every movement of theirs has encouraged and invited the aggressions of your enemies.

Their advice has served to divide and distract you.

Their policy, which prevailed in your Legislature, has left you without the means of resistance to usurpation and tyranny.

The hopes they have held out to you have been dissipated by the march of events.

The predictions they made have all been falsified by subsequent acts of the people and States of the North.

War, which might possibly have been prevented by decision and promptness on the part of the Border Slave States, has been precipitated by the hesitation, vacillation, and delay, which, through their counsels, has marked the course of these States.

Will you trust them longer? Dare you still listen to their appeals? Will you yet be guided by their counsels?

The Administration has given you, fellow-citizens, in the proclamation of the President—magnanimously given you—just twenty days from the Saturday of last week in which to decide!

Will you use that time in active preparation for the conflict? Will you diligently prepare in the respite given you, for resistance to tyranny —for the defense of your homes and the protection of your household gods? or will you still follow those “blind leaders” whose incapacity and unfitness has been demonstrated by past events beyond the possibility of doubt?

At the expiration of the time given you for decision, we tell you, that you MUST take sides with the United North and aid in “overrunning and subjugating the seceded States,” or make common cause with the latter: they tell you, that you must put yourselves in a position of resistance to the Government of the nineteen Northern States, and thus bring upon you their power, and, by refusing, to co-operate with the South, stand alone, isolated, and unaided in your contest with the Federal powers!

In either event, you array yourselves against the Federal Government: on the one hand, you will stand side by side with fourteen other Slave States; on the other hand, you will fight alone.