There is not, probably, in the whole political world, a more contemptible course of policy than that which now characterizes a considerable portion of the South. The Supreme Court of the United States having rendered it impossible for any man but a born or self-made fool to doubt the rights of the South in our territories, and it being perfectly apparent that the Northern people (Squatter Sovereignty Democrats and Black Republicans), despite the Constitution, intend to nullify and defeat these rights—the self-seekers, office aspirants and submissionists of the South are striving, by all sorts of pretexts and falsities, to reconcile the Southern people to their passive surrender. When Kansas was the theatre of contention, the same people were busy with the same policy. ROBERT J. WALKER got up the isothermal line by which he proved that slavery was totally unsuited to Kansas. It was too far north, although lying broadside by the richest tobacco counties of Missouri; and the vast majority of the population being opposed to slavery, of course the will of the people ought to be obeyed. It turns out now, not only that Kansas is a fine hemp and tobacco country, but abounding in mines which may make it the rival of California in the production of gold. Having turned Kansas over to the North, they are now busy, with the same tactics, to induce the Southern people to surrender to the North the rest of our Territories, present and future.

And with what brazen effrontery—with what dexterous sophistries —is this traitorous policy towards the South defended and recommended! How base and hypocritical are their professions of confidence in the Northern people, in their fidelity to the Constitution and the rights of the South in the matter of Southern slavery; and with what heroic devotion do they vaunt of the power of the South in the Union, and her noble adequacy for her protection! Thus, by belittling the interests of the South in our territories on the one hand, and magnifying the Union on the other—by ignoring the past aggressions of the North, and falsifying everything bearing on the present, they propose to quell the rising spirit of the South, and induce her to acquiesce in the plunder of the North of all our territories. How different is the course of things at the North! There, right or wrong in their policy, no mistake rests on its tendency. It is true to the North. Crowds follow Senator DOUGLAS wherever he goes, as the legislative conqueror of Kansas for the North, and their cunning and faithful leader for future domination in our territories. Mr. SEWARD leaves New York for Europe; and thousands in steamboats, with music, flags and shoutings, escort him down the bay. He boldly declares that the emancipation of our slaves must be accomplished by the General Government, and he reigns a prince in their affections. To keep out or drive out the Southern people from our territories, is the grand basis of parties at the North. No man dares insult the intelligence of the Northern people by maintaining their insignificancy. No man ventures to wound their pride by belittling their vast conquests over the South in our common territories. The battle is fought and won by the North, is the haughty boast of all. They are now only to follow up and secure their victory, and all our vast territories will be theirs. Apology for Southern slavery seldom drops from their lips. Love for “the glorious Union,” when spoken of in connection with the institutions of the South, seldom pollutes, by its hypocrisies, their frank antipathy. No admiration for those who have struggled, in obedience to the Constitution, against their sectional hate and ambition, graces their oratory. These are cast aside with scorn; and right on, consistently, unswervingly, they move to the consummation of their sectional rule and aggrandizement. We may not respect the faithlessness to the Constitution which governs this policy; but we cannot but respect the courage—the openness—the manliness—with which it is pursued; whilst, from the very bottom of our hearts we regard, with a loathing, abhorrence, and contempt, utterly inexpressible, the base self-seeking and treacherous submissionists of the South who seek to make her its victims.